For the Here We Go Again file: the Daily Journal is reporting on the "Broadway Specific Plan" meeting held last week with more color than usual since it seems the reporter went to the meeting (as opposed to watching council happening on-line afterwards):
A grand vision of plazas, parklets, mixed-use development and possible parking changes for a revitalized Broadway in Burlingame met reality at a Jan. 17 community workshop where concerns were surfaced about the retail thoroughfare’s existing character and limitations.
I'm not sure which grandees came up with the grand vision, but apparently it did not go over well with attendees:
“The consideration is, you’d have to ask people, do you want a second Burlingame Avenue at this location?” building owner Dave Simpson said. “No!” some in the crowd chorused in response.
The negative comments on the DJ website under the article are even more brutally pointed and draw in the prevailing dislike for the mess that has been made of California Dr. which we track here. Some of the comments are even negative about the decade-plus reworking of the Avenew that I think came out well, but Broadway is clearly a different street and many would like it to proudly remain so. Comments about rising rents after "upgrades", lack of space for gathering places and especially the traffic flow from our F-rated Broadway intersection are everywhere.
Some very smart commentary notes that if there are plans to change traffic flow on Broadway, they need to expand the planning scope to include the two nearest parallel streets – Lincoln and Carmelita. Very true, but likely to bring out even more boo-birds. I spend quite a bit of time on B'way and like the ambiance. But let's face it. Planners have to plan. Perhaps we can start with the always-wise question: What problem are we trying to solve?
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