The CA Department of Transportation has opened it website soliciting comments on the proposed major changes to El Camino Real in B'game. The site is found here: We last touched on the project back in January here. The project has the potential to completely change ECR, so please click through to the old post and the official site and refresh your memory on what Caltrans has up its sleeve. The DOT notes that
There has been much progress since the scoping meeting in May 2020. We’ve completed a visual survey of the trees, studied many environmental resource areas, and worked with our design group to develop alternatives for the project. The next step in our environmental scoping process is to announce publication of the Caltrans Notice of Intent (NOI) to Prepare an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS).
Since we got a very modest amount of rain today, it was disappointing to see flooding reappear on ECR. The questions for B'gamers are do we really need to cut down all of the Blue Gum eucalyptus trees, bury all of the utilities (great idea but $$$$$) and approve the whole enchilada instead of trying one section to see what people who live here think? Or could we just fix the drainage and repave the surface? You have until December 17th to weigh in. Here is the April puddle on ECR hours after the rain stopped.
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