Last September we got early evidence of how bad the new Broadway-California Dr. intersection alignment is as noted here. Its unpopularity was immediate and is growing. The "people just need to get used to it" approach isn't working in the face of more evidence that it's even more dangerous than before. The latest incident on Monday created a giant mess--65 feet of mess-- as a car carrier full of cars got clipped by a Caltrain as it tried to navigate the too-tight turn left onto southbound California Dr. The major intersection was closed for more than an hour. The incident report may determine if a SamTrans bus was in the way or the driver just realized he couldn't make the turn or he just ran out of time.
Before anyone says 65' car carriers shouldn't be travelling on Broadway or California, remember we were the City of Cars (e.g. Auto Row) even before we were the City of Trees. Car sales taxes are an important part of the B'game financial stability. We need to make it easier, not harder, for auto businesses to operate.
The California Dr. project has only made things worse for all. The odd layout with parking in what feels like the middle of the street is just plain weird. People who do park there feel it innately and you can tell by how close they park to the bike lane bollards and how many fold in their mirrors.
A letter to the DJ editor the following day made a few suggestions some good, but several are not likely to make a real difference. Among them are:
- Conspicuous signage to alert drivers of the unique geometrics of the crossing; There is no amount of signage that will communicate in milliseconds what the problem is for a driver to understand and react to while driving 25 mph.
- Longer clearing period; This could help. The City should work with Caltrain to make the track clearance phase immediate and snappier.
- Longer warning bell period: The warning period is adequate. If you make it longer, then it will create more congestion as trains will lock up the intersection for a longer period of time. This is not a solution. And just wait for HSR to come through--oh, nevermind.
- Restriction of trucks: This is not realistic. How do you sign this? Where do you put reroute signage for truck operators to follow? And in the end, how do you enforce this – you can’t. We can’t have BPD out there being hall monitors, especially when we need more enforcement elsewhere in town.
- Restrict left turns from Carolan Avenue: This is worth a look! It might only be a band-aid, but worth studying.
The Daily Journal article on the collision (some locals are refusing to call it an "accident" since these are becoming so common as to be a "feature") puts a lot of hope on the grade separation, but we know that is still deca-millions from being funded. In the meantime, can we just put California Dr. back the way it was? Give the SamTrans and truck drivers a break as well as our first responders. At least the fire station is close--if the trucks can get up California Dr. when there is nowhere for people to pull over.
Notice how far over the left turn lane is from where it used to be.
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