Teen / Community Center input sessions
The public is encouraged to give input to the architects who are doing preliminary studies of a proposed new community center.
Thursday, January 18th and February 15th 7 pm
Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave.
If you would like to e-mail comments, please address them to Randy Schwartz [email protected]. Randy can also be reached at 558-7300.
Town Hall meeting with Elem. School Super
Sonny DaMarto, Burlingame Elementary School Superintedent will discuss Measure B, The March 6th ballot initiative to raise funds for Burlingame Schools.
Tuesday, January 30th, Washington School, 7 pm
Wednesday, January 31st, McKinley School, 7 pm
Burlingame Community for Education
Dinner Dance and Auction
Saturday, February 10th
San Francisco Airport Marriot Hotel
Proceeds directly benefit students at Burlingame Elementary Schools.
For more information call 650-259-3824.
Burlingame Taste of the Town, 2001 Sunday, February 11th
San Francisco Airport Marriot Hotel
Sample food and drink from local restaurants. Plus entertainment, raffles and a silent auction. All proceeds benefit Burlingame High School.
For more information call 650-348-2386.
Burlingame Historical Society
Quarterly Meeting
Sunday, February 11th, 2 pm
Burlingame Woman's Club
214 Park Road
FREE and open to the public.
'The seven historic creeks of Burlingame' will be the discussion followed by a surprise musical guest and refreshments.
Planning Commission/City Council Joint Meeting
Saturday, February 24th
For location please log onto www.burlingame.org
This is the one time per year both commission and council have an in-depth discussion of city issues and goals
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