We covered the new "daylighting" law that went into effect last January but is only now starting to be enforced here in B'game and elsewhere. You can refresh your memory here regarding the 20-foot clearance around all crosswalks. I have been having email discussions with Public Works and BPD on what the effects will be in our commercial districts, the areas around schools and the Rec Center as well as plain old residential areas.
2024 was the "educational" year when marginal violations would only earn a warning, but BPD does not show that it issued any warnings in town. I say "educational" because the city is only marking red curb areas in the high traffic-high pedestrian areas. Both of our commercial districts and the school zones qualify for new or refreshed paint. Public Works notes "The City has already completed red curbing in the Burlingame Avenue downtown area and is now focusing on Broadway as the next priority" and estimates this will eventually result in a net loss of about 100 spaces city wide. Some of our existing red zones will have to be extended to 20' like the one shown below in front of Ike's, so I think there maybe a few more than the initial 100 estimate.
Things get more interesting in residential neighborhoods. There are crosswalks all over the place and plenty of people are accustomed to parking in front of their houses within 20' of such intersections. I can go for a 15-minute walk in Burlingame Park and regularly count a half dozen. There are two pocket parks on my walk, one that used to be Pershing School, so that may account for some of the legacy crosswalks. Very few of these have any red curbing. Thus, BPD has indicated:
The fine for daylighting is $40.00, the same as most of the City's parking fines. Parking Enforcement Officers won't be actively patrolling residential neighborhoods specifically looking for these violations. However, if they happen to observe one, they are encouraged to take appropriate action, which could be a warning or a citation.
I think good judgement will prevail at least for some educational period. Six months? 9? We shall see. I'll be on the lookout for new red paint and whether or not it improves visibility of pedestrians. Drivers should remember it is no longer illegal to jaywalk per The Freedom to Walk Act, which was signed into law in January 2023.
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