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January 16, 2025



Holly Rusch at the DJ has assembled all of the numbers and history regarding the B'way rail crossing. Bottom Line? Just as I have written above.

Though it had been slow going at times — “why does it take from 2017 to almost 24 … to implement the design that the whole city agreed upon?” Colson said: $17 million had been committed from Burlingame, $24 million secured in county transportation sales tax money, $133 million in potential county sales tax funding and $85 million in hard-fought state funding had been promised for the future.
Regarding Caltrain adding AI, new gates and signage

While Burlingame is grateful for such additions, it doesn’t change the need for a grade separation, Goldman said.

“You have to get the cars and the trucks and the bikes and the people ... off the path of where the train is traveling,” she said. “You can’t paint your way out of it or signalize your way out of it. That certainly helps. It’ll help a lot. But the most important thing is to separate the roadway from the railway.”


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