Not only is today the Winter Solstice and thankfully the days start to get longer, but I heard on the radio that today is "National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day". Somber times two one supposes. It's a time and a season for contemplating one's year, one's home and family, one's accomplishments and how our community evolved this year. So it was appropriate that I was able to snap this photo today amidst a cloudy, rainy, pothole ridden El Camino trip through town.
I call this guy "The Conductor" because he can be seen often standing on a podium made from a eucalyptus stump waving his arms as if the San Francisco Symphony were seated on the King's Road in front of him. Only a baton and a tux are missing. I have no idea if he's actually homeless, but I've heard he gets an occasional wellness check; and yet is still conducting regularly. I wish him well. I hope he has a place to get dry and warm and mostly I hope he accepts such an offer when made--if not, there are options.