From the "broken clock is right twice a day" file comes this Letter to the Editor of the SF Comicle. Somehow the editors let this one slip through the cracks and into print. I don't know the woman or the organization, but she hits pretty much every button right on the nose:
YIMBY housing fantasies won’t work in California. Here’s the reality
Regarding “There’s no protecting California values without building more housing” (Open Forum,, Dec 13): The steady drumbeat of op-ed pieces from SPUR and YIMBY housing advocates is tiresome. Many Californians disagree with them. Urban density and infill housing are supposed to remedy suburban sprawl. But urban density, in practice, simply creates overcrowded streets, with motorists circling in search of rare parking. Infill comes at the expense of historic buildings and districts, which are often demolished. A classic example is the enormous apartment buildings planned for the former California College of the Arts campus in Oakland.
Transit-oriented development? This fantasy assumes that public transportation is a fixed utility. Many bus lines that once served our communities have been cut. How many voters will oppose a tax to support BART because of the agency’s plans to put apartments in its parking lots? How many people have quit taking BART because there is no secure place to park near the stations?
The SPUR and YIMBY people want Soviet-style apartment blocks wherever they can be crammed in, extinguishing every vestige of charm from neighborhoods. It’s time for the state to stop forcing draconian “density bonus” and “builder’s remedy” laws on neighborhoods that want to retain some breathing room.
Amelia Marshall
Board member, Oakland Heritage Alliance
Amen, Amelia. Look no further than our latest Cellblock at One Adrian Ct. It may not extinguish any charm in the neighborhood since it sits next to a Public Storage business, but you can bet it will raise traffic thru the Worst Intersection in the State and put pressure on all sorts of public services. Did the grid get any major upgrade? School capacity? Did we hire another police officer for traffic enforcement? Anything thing else listed here? Keep up the good work, Ms. Marshall. You are far from alone.
Agreed. Ms. Marshall’s is a logical argument in an often emotionally charged conversation.
Posted by: MM | December 27, 2024 at 03:40 PM
SF Weiner passed a bill to start fining cities up to 50k a month for not complying with the state’s housing mandates.
Posted by: Spurinna | December 27, 2024 at 06:48 PM