I love the hardcopy Daily Journal and Daily Post. I search them out so much that my wife makes fun of me for it. In B'game the DJ is easy to find, the Post not so much. I won't reveal the few boxes in town where the Post can often be found. Down in Palo Alto, the powers that be want to get rid of newspaper boxes on University Ave. in an effort to "beautify" the main shopping district. The Post runs the ad below highlighting the threat to the First Amendment.
The ad notes that Palo Alto already has a municipal code allowing the removal of unused boxes and there in is the rub in Palo Alto; and here in B'game. I don't know if we have a similar code on the books, but I do know it's not being enforced. Check out the line-up of boxes on Primrose. A couple Epoch Times' boxes around town occasionally have the paper, but not this one that has no coin slot. The beat-up maroon one next to it never has anything but trash and a lonely phone book or two. It has siblings all over town in the same condition. The red one might have been an SF Examiner box at one point, but Examiner boxes all over town have been empty for years. This DJ box is filled daily as are all of them in B'game. Thank you, guys, gold star! This Post box hardly ever gets filled. And there are other Post boxes in B'game that never get papers. I don't think the City should be responsible for removing them--the companies should, unless they are out of business. Then the City should take them to the trash heap. Let's beautify B'game, one boxectomy at a time. Candidates clutter the sidewalks across from Mints & Honey, in front of the Capuchino post office, along California Dr., and Mollie's sidewalk. I could go on.
P.S. How funny is it to have three mailboxes lined up literally across the street from our sad little post office? I bet they are a vestige of when we had the beautiful post office on Park Rd. Let's yank two of those as well.
Though this "Journalism" technically "News". All of these "Newspapers" are "Advertising." "For Profit" "Penny Saver" Media. I don't mind reading about the sensationalism of learning about Drunk Driving Neighbors, Domestic Violence, etc.
Those Row of Boxes are 100% a Safety issue.
They look HORRIBLE.
I thought @ 15 years ago the COB Elders were able to remove these "Newspaper Barrier Safety Rows that have been placed in High Traffic Intersections.
I believe the COB should be partially responsible for allowing and encouraging Dangerous "Product Placement.
Posted by: hollyroller@ gmail.com | December 30, 2024 at 09:53 AM
Definitely agree, the gold star goes to SMDJ; on the south end, there is a fellow who arrives by 7am at the Celia's location in San Mateo on Peninsula Ave., and that early, braving the crazy drivers for a newspaper is still possible.
The Post has a lot of ads, that is true. Many real estate full-pagers. On the other hand, they are typically good for the occasional great headline and some pretty on-point commentary by Price, so it is still generally a worthwhile read IMO, although not as thorough as the SMDJ.
Regarding the sorry state of the boxes, yep, what a mess. I credit the Burlingame Beautification Commission of long ago (late 1990s or so?) with tackling the same issue two decades ago. They worked towards uniformity in the news rack aesthetics; it was a great solution and a number of those installations still exist and have held up pretty well. It's really the loners; the onesie twosies out there on or near street corners that look really bad and are filled with garbage. The ones across from the USPO are in particularly bad shape.
Posted by: Jennifer Pfaff | December 30, 2024 at 02:37 PM
Thanks, hollyroller. Glad you are back, some people were worried about you!!
Thanks, Jennifer. Perhaps I will send the link to the post to Beautification. A little push can't hurt.
Posted by: Joe | December 30, 2024 at 04:17 PM
Three mailboxes and not one of them have a drive up drop off slot. Since they took out the two drive ups at the old post office I can’t find one in Burlingame!? Sometimes it’s impossible to park just to mail a letter— especially with a bum knee and kids in the car!
Posted by: Maxine | December 30, 2024 at 04:32 PM
There is a drive-up across from the Capuchino PO. It's tricky because it's on the left side of the street which works because Capuchino is one-way. That wouldn't work on Primrose. I agree they should add a few more around town maybe in some of the city parking lots where cars are going slow.
Posted by: Mom | December 30, 2024 at 06:45 PM
I Love you too.
Where is Hillsider?
I have a "Vacation Home"@ Costa del Sol-Spain. Now that Trump is attempting to purchase Greenland and Annex Canada it is time to "Go." Very Sad and CRAZY Too..
Posted by: hollyroller@ gmail.com | January 07, 2025 at 05:01 PM