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October 09, 2024



Two hours after I made the original post, the Merc sends out this:

San Mateo County calls on Newsom to declare state of emergency over insurance crisis

In a resolution passed this week, the Board of Supervisors urged the governor to take swift action in response to the increasing challenges families and businesses face in securing property insurance. They are also calling on the state’s Insurance Commissioner, Ricardo Lara, and state lawmakers to expedite the usual lengthy process and quickly implement temporary rules to stabilize the insurance market.

“Insurance options are shrinking while natural hazard risks from wildfire and storm surge grow, community-serving development projects in the wildland-urban interface stall and small businesses face closures,” Mueller said. “Our request, along with other counties (such as Placer County, San Bernadino and Shasta County), for a state of emergency is an urgent call to secure a fair, stable insurance market that keeps our communities safe and resilient in the face of an increasingly unpredictable climate future.”

“The Department is moving at the speed of transparency and good decisions — with openness and public participation — on a multitude of administrative actions and urgent regulations to enact the state’s largest insurance reform in 30 years since the passage of Prop. 103 in 1988,” it said.
There are different definitions of "speed". If and when the FAIR program goes under, you know who will be left to pay their "fair share".

Paloma Ave

Which political party has been in power for the last 10+ years? Yet voters will continue to elect the same people and expect better results? Isn't that the definition of insanity?


Newsom just cannot help himself. One distraction after another deflecting from the things he is supposed to be doing. How sad that more than half of everyone you meet every day is so checked out or on the dole.

Long Live the Republic

When people say the quality of life has declined, they’re really saying current policies/laws no longer are working.

It’s like a national poll if when asked if we are on the right track or wrong track?

And which party do you think is responsible for this?


>respondents’ top choice at 39% was building more affordable housing.
>"Of course, that means 61% chose something other than to jam more people into the Bay Area."
That's a very poor and statistically bogus take. That 61% was split among many other options. More housing was the top one, with 39%. So where should they put their effort? The top result, or do you think they should just pick one of the other lower-scoring options, just because in aggregate they scored higher than the top one?


You are unwittingly proving my point. The 61% could have been split between choices that are inter-related. For example, if two of the choices were "improve public safety" and "reduce retail theft" that could split an broader issue that could surpass 39%.

If you bothered to click through you would see some clear evidence of overlap:

When asked which issues pose a serious problem for the region, large majorities of respondents agreed that homelessness (97%), housing costs (96%), the cost of living (96%), health care costs (86%), crime (83%) and child care costs (82%) are significant challenges.

Most also agreed that over the past year, it’s become harder to afford food and groceries (79%), utilities (73%), transportation and gas (65%), taxes (64%) and housing (62%).



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