« There is a stop sign in there somewhere | Main | Peninsula Ave. interchange "scrapped" for good? »

September 18, 2024


Joanne Bennett

I would rather see some traffic calming and enforcement. Maybe because Peninsula Avenue is between the cities of Burlingame and San Mateo but I rarely if ever see any type of enforcement for speeding or anything else.

Last Thursday evening at around 6:15 a single mother with a special needs daughter was almost finished crossing the street at Peninsula and Delaware when she tragically was hit from behind and suffered severe head trauma and died.

Apparently the driver was driving down N. Delaware (San
Mateo) and made a left hand turn onto Peninsula (Burlingame)when the woman was hit. She never saw what was coming her way (maybe electric vehicle?).

After this tragic accident I cannot accept that these two cities cannot find a way to somehow make this intersection safer for pedestrians. A few years back I was crossing Peninsula while walking my dog from the San Mateo side to Burlingame. I was mid intersection when a woman making a left turn from Humboldt onto Peninsula almost hit me! I had to wave my arms around for her to notice me and my dog in the crosswalk!


They already have this in new cars in Australia. It’s irritating but not dangerous. Just like the tone every time you go near a lane line, you get used to it.
They also change the speed limit depending on traffic conditions. There are LED signs on overpasses letting you know what the current speed limit is.


I think it is indeed like the lane change warning feature--distracting, irritating, unnecessary and just a touch insulting. Thanks for adding a great example to the discussion.

Jennifer Pfaff

I don't know, Joe. It seems to me that peoples' driving skills have declined in parallel to all the "do-dads," bells and whistles in the newer cars. Pedestrians shouldn't be very trusting. They are very vulnerable there, and there is a lot going on. Too much distraction, all around.

'Love the idea of the changing speed limits dependent on conditions, but who enforces when they are very stretched and people know it. Have any of you been on 280 lately. A total free-for-all, and 101 is just plain recklessness.


Agree with Jennifer!


Maybe this will work in Burlingame


Jennifer Pfaff

Wow, what a great idea. Why not?!? Good for SFPD.

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