One of the side effects of "district" elections appears to be a lot fewer contested elections. For B'game city council, we have races for two out of three seats this time, but at the school board level--Burlingame and SMUSHD--not so much. The DJ gives the run down
In the Burlingame School District, all trustee races are unopposed. Chaitanya Bhuskuyte is running for Area 2 seat, Katie Jay is running for Area 3, and Nicole Mustafa is running for Area 5.
The San Mateo Union High School District will likely see the same board as it has the past two years, with incumbents Greg Land and Ligia Andrade Zúñiga running again in their respective trustee areas unopposed.
If you are still trying to figure out how two candidates in a town of 31,400 people that live maybe a mile apart differ in skills and abilities because of their addresses, join the club. Would the races be more crowded without the arbitrary address limits? There's no way to be sure, but as far as school boards go, you couldn't have less choice.
Hey Greg! Where is the $40 Million?
An election would bring out these issues.
There is no election and therefore the candidates do not feel the need to be truthful with the public.
The SMUHSD has been awash with serious issues that require action and disclosure by the Trustees.
1. The incidents reported to the San Mateo and Burlingame Police are not going away.
2. The defrauding of the local and state investigators will now fall upon the Trustees as the Board was "well aware" of the extreme negligence and cover up.
3. The $40 million "loss" of the Crestmoor property debacle cannot be hidden from the public forever. The Trustees may have been "victims" but are now enablers and participants.
4. Public Record Act requests are being ignored as they will disclose the extreme negligence and violations of the law by the SMUHSD.
Trustee Land is the Burlingame representative and has an obligation to report to the PEOPLE.
$40 Million -Real Estate Sandal- What is being covered up and why?
In December 2020, the SMUHSD signed a contract with DR Horton for the sale of the 40-acre Crestmoor property for $125 million.
In late July, 2021, DR Horton cancelled the contract… but the SMUHSD administration suppressed the information from the Trustees and the Public.
The public was defrauded as DR Horton continued to be listed as the BUYER on the public agenda for August 5 and 12.
The fraud continued UNTIL Superintendent Skelly was unanimously granted his two -year $329 per year a contract extension on August 12, 2021.
On August 26, 2021- SMUHSD changes the name of the BUYER on the Agenda to SummerHill Homes and announces the Crestmoor property sale at $85 million
Zoom Links to President Griffin- August 26, 2021 SMUHSD Meeting-
A clearly embarrassed SMUHSD Board President Robert Griffin (a Certified Public Accountant by profession) announces an "Exclusive Deal" with Summerville Homes
“The builder placed a binding deposit with the SMUHSD,
prohibiting the district from negotiating with ANY other builder.
Zoom-cued to SMUHSD President Griffin
Simple Math and Fraud
December 2020- Buyer- DR Horton- $125 Million
July 2021- DR Horton cancels the $125 Million Deal
August 2021 -Buyer- Summer-Hill Homes - $85 Million
How does the exact same Crestmoor High School property lose $40 million in value from July to August in 2021?
Trustee Land- Why does this continue to be withheld from the public. This is $40 million of the people's money and not YOUR money. The SMUHSD is mandated to act in a responsible, ethical, legal, and transparent manner.
Posted by: Where is the $40 Million-SMUHSD- Answers and Ethics needed | August 19, 2024 at 07:28 AM
This whole trend to walking into seats is very disturbing. What is to be done?
Posted by: Mom | August 19, 2024 at 09:20 PM
Hopefully we'll not only move away from by district elections but also folks will step up and run for these important roles.
Posted by: Jen | September 01, 2024 at 04:17 PM
“Vote for Pedro and all your dreams will come true.”
Napoleon Dynamite
Posted by: Spurinna | September 02, 2024 at 08:12 AM
Silence = Incumbency
- A public accountability by the Trustees could inform the public of the “issues and problems” of the district rather than just a continual drain on the public tax-dollars and a destruction of positive educational environments.
If the following information were made "public" there would be more candidates for SMUHSD School Board in Burlingame, Millbrae, and San Mateo.
Silence = Incumbency
How about Trustee Land hold a "State of The District" Town Hall here in Burlingame with a Q and A session? Some facts and truth would be refreshing.
Where is the $40 million from the botched Crestmoor Sale?
-$125 million contract price (12/20) slashed to $84 million “sale price”(8/21)
-Do the math and disclose to the people- Where is the $40 million?
-The SMUHSD Trustees “leveraged” by superintendents Skelly and Black (who were under investigation) to defraud the state and its investigators- September 10, 2021 “Letter of Support for Melissa Murphy.”
-The September 10, 202, document, submitted to the state investigators was constructed with a significant amount known fraudulent information “coordinated” with the Ms. Murphy to mislead and defraud the state.
Why have the Trustees engaged in multiple Brown Act violations and continue to refuse to produce Public Record Act requests? Acts of the Board MUST be ethical and transparent.
Former Superintendent Skelly and Deputy Superintendent Black were under state investigation by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing TWICE in eight months (2021) and Trustee Land and the Board knew NOTHING. Land states to the SM Daily Journal, “Land also shared disapproval for the CTC’s decision and claimed the investigation was “not done well.” Reflecting on the final appeal process, he said, “we have to see where that lands.” – (Aug 14, 2021- Trustees send fraudulent letter to the CTC on September 10, 2021)
While Skelly was under investigation by the state, Trustee Land and Board gave Skelly a Two-Year Contract Extension at $329,000 per year (8/21) knowing he had lied to, misled, deceived and withheld information from the Board. Once “caught,” Skelly resigned. (1/22)
The Board of Trustees is now fully aware of a long series of unethical and criminal actions from the SMUHSD district office, yet does nothing. The Trustees should not only contact the San Mateo and Burlingame Police, but FULLY COOPERATE with the police, providing evidence and requiring administrators and teachers to provide evidence against their peers.
Why did the Trustees enable and support these acts of extreme negligence and waste of public funds.
Trustee Land there are at least TWO cases with the Burlingame Police and the San Mateo Police that need your attention. These cases of violations of the law by teachers and the Trustees have helped to cover up the actions and black proper investigations.
The actions above are fully documented and the evidence has been submitted to the SMUHSD Trustees. In the aftermath, the complainants have been the targeted with retaliation by the administration and fully supported by the Trustees.
Trustee Land, based on the evidence you are holding, you have a right to blame Skelly, Black, Yim, and Murphy and hold them responsible for Gross Neglect of Duty and Gross Unfitness. If the Trustees will not hold these employees responsible, then the negligence is on the Trustees for its failure to carry out its Duty of Care.
-Gross Neglect of Duty
“… knowing falsification of any document or knowing misrepresentation directly related to licensure, employment, or professional duties.”
-SMUHSD Online Training Materials. (2024)
-Gross Unfitness
1. Fraud or misrepresentation
2. Admission of or engaging in, acts constituting criminal conduct, even in the absence of a conviction.
-SMUHSD Online Training Materials. (2024)
There is fraud... lots and lots of fraud!
Posted by: Silence = Incumbency-- No Incentive to Disclose-- No Challengers | September 02, 2024 at 08:48 AM
Where is the $40M? Are you suggesting someone got a kickback for the reduced price or what?
Posted by: HMB | September 02, 2024 at 05:27 PM
The Crestmoor property was under contract with DR Horton in December 2020 for $125 million.
The contract was "cancelled" by DR Horton in July 2021.
Superintendent Skelly made no report of the cancelled contract to the Board. There is NO REPORT of the cancelled contract to the public.
The SMUHSD Agenda's were constructed to "look like" the deal was active- Brown Act violations (how about criminal?)
The SMUHSD Board Agendas show DR Horton as the Buyer on its August 5 and August 12 2021 Public Agendas.
August 12, 2021- Superintendent Skelly is given a Two-Year $329,000 contract extension.
August 26, 2021- The SMUHSD Trustees "announce" the sale to SummerHill Homes for $85 million.
How does a 40 acre Bay Area property "lose" $40 million?
SMUHSD Zoom Meeting
Board President Griffin (making the announcement) is a CPA.
It is assumed that Griffin can read a Real Estate Contract and see that
$125m - $85m = loss.
The contract at $125 was an agreed upon price by the Buyer and Seller.
Fraud 101-
Trustee Land... where is the $40 million.
The document trail is the SMUHSD, SM Daily Journal, and the San Bruno City Counsel who "stumbled" on to this fraud.
Posted by: $40 million Fraud - SMUHSD | September 03, 2024 at 12:17 PM
How does a property "lose" $40 million in value, even in the Bay Area where land is scarce? Changing economic circumstances. But the misleading public agendas definitely need explaining -- a coverup to hide a deal gone south and subsequent fire sale for a district desperate for cash? Or something even more nefarious?
Posted by: HMB | September 03, 2024 at 09:25 PM
The SMUHSD was investigated for Brown Act Violations in July 2021 as a result of manipulating the public agenda.
The district office administration knew EXACTLY what they were doing.
They were defrauding the public to cover up extreme negligence.
The SMUHSD was "flush with cash" but there would be no commissions of fees paid without a "deal."
Posted by: July 2021 -Brown Act- Skelly KNEW what he was doing- screwing the public | September 04, 2024 at 08:24 AM
Redwood City has an open school board seat that no one wants to run for. Another districting failure.
Posted by: Mom | September 04, 2024 at 11:37 AM
Deep S%$T-
- How embarrassed will the SMUHSD Board of Trustee be when the $40 real estate scandal breaks?
The San Mateo Daily Journal's Mark Simon and Sue Lempert each wrote columns on the sale of the Crestmoor site.
They each offered nostalgic memories of the campus and the SMUHSD Boards actions to build and then to close the school.
Current Trustees Land, Griffin, and Andre-Zuniga are covering up the $40 million scandal.
The Crestmoor debacle and the Skelly-Black investigation by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing share the same calendar weeks.
These events also share the same law Firm- Lozano Smith.
The Trustees were legally represented (in each case) by the San Mateo County Counsel... who was taken for a long ride on a short rode.
These documented act of willful negligence have come at a great cost to the tax-payers.
Far more than just the $40 million loss from Crestmoor.
The public forgives those who investigate and not those who engage in a cover up.
Posted by: Deep S*#T- Crestmoor Sale Scandal Continues | September 09, 2024 at 07:28 AM
When the scandal breaks???? This is not breaking news. But things sure are broken.
Posted by: HMB | September 09, 2024 at 03:04 PM
Wasn't sure where to post but this just in (saw on Nextdoor):
Summerhill is no longer the contractor for the housing project at Crestmoor (site sold by SMUHSD). It will be Toll Brothers. There will be a meeting Oct 30 at 5:30 pm in the parking lot outside the main entrance.
Posted by: HMB | October 27, 2024 at 12:20 AM
HMB- Your tip was VERY HOT!
The scandal is outlined here
What does Bruce Dickinson know about Real Estate and Back Room Deals?
Posted by: HMB was right!- Bruce Dickinson -A $40 million Fraud? Thoughts? | November 09, 2024 at 08:28 AM
Easy there fellas, when Bruce Dickinson sees his name invoked he isn't always inclined to respond, but alas this might be a good entry for a good ol' Dickinson-style teach in on Valuation 101. While yours truly has been on the prosperous end of many deals (not the DJT type of deals that end up in bankruptcy), I do have a lot of investments within my portfolio including real estate.
Fact of the matter is from the 4Q of 2020 to July-Sept of 2021, the 10 year Treasury rate rose by 80%-100%. An almost doubling of the "risk free" rate absolutely has an impact on asset values, especially real property. What was happening was inflation was rapidly increasing which subsequently led to one of the fastest rises in interest rates we have seen over the past 50 years. When the opportunity cost of the time value of money increases (proxied by the 10 year treasury yield), the value of real estate ( potential income generating assets on that land to be redeveloped) declines. Much in the same way like a bond with a fixed coupon declines when interest rates rise.
DR Horton is no dummy, it totally understands the opportunity cost and discount rate of all real estate assets. A doubling of the risk free rate, all things being equal can result in a 30% decline in the value of raw land and real estate, easily. Also, DR Horton was probably looking at how many houses it could build, what would be the permitting requirements, how much raw materials were costing (remember building materials were skyrocketing at that time), the labor costs (also skyrocketing, due to massive labor shortages), how much it would cost to demolish existing structures, how much density San Bruno would allow etc and walked away from a contract with exit clauses. Now you can blame SMUSD for entering into a contract with exit clauses...maybe they read too much of DJT's Art of the Deal and didn't do a Dickinson style contract, but these deals typically do have material adverse change clauses and a rise in interest rates, construction costs, labor costs, demolition costs, what is allowable by San Bruno etc could all have major impact on valuation.
It's pretty telling that the next highest bidder only bid 85 million 9 months later and even now the project seems to have been subsumed by another party (maybe because they can develop cheaper, again labor and building product costs are really high now).
Not saying that governmental entities and school boards are chock full of talent, but in this case I think the biggest hit was really the market conditions and a savvy buyer (DR Horton) doing what was economically rational given the changing conditions. This isn't the first real estate deal that has fizzled due to rising rates, in fact many, many did. Good thing Bruce Dickinson with his business acumen avoided committing to any large real estate deals over the past 5 years and instead had my investment team short 10 year and 30 year government bonds and treasury futures in November 2020 (after the election) and doubled down on the short in August 2021 (when the vaccines came out)
The two major takeaways here are 1) prevailing interest rates have a very large impact on the value of risky assets all things being equal. 2) the "fair value" of an asset is ALWAYS what another party is willing and able to pay for it..that's what determines true value. Here the next highest bidder bid $40MM less and quite frankly that should have been the case with a rational actor responding to a rapid change in interest rates!
That's all for tonight's lesson! It's not every day that your local community blog features such high quality content directly from a Titans of Industry's mouth!
Posted by: Bruce Dickinson | November 12, 2024 at 08:49 PM
Bruce- According to your expert analysis, the SMUHSD Trustees were persuaded by their fiduciary advisors to sell the Crestmoor property for the lowest price in the worst market conditions when there was no need to sell the property at all.
It seems that a fiduciary would have advised the Trustees against this sale as there was NO RUSH and NO NEED to sell the property.
CA Attorney General (?)
Would it matter that documentation of the sale process shows fraudulent intent and that Superintendent Skelly and Deputy Superintendent Black were concurrently under investigation by both the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the CA Attorney General?
The same Lozano Smith Law firm was both defending Skelly and Black in Sacramento AND advising or "representing" the Trustees in the Crestmoor Sale.
"billable hours smell sweater than flowers!"
How about that the SMUHSD Trustees knew nothing about these state investigation and the Board was misled to approve the sale to SummerHill.
Where was the Board's legal council, the San Mateo County Counsel?
He was "strategically" removed from the process.
SMUHSD Trustee President Robert Griffin is a CPA.
It's just a guess, but it is suspected that isn't a very good one to miss an property evaluation like this one.
Thanks Bruce
I hope the San Mateo County District Attorney and the SM Grand Jury read this post. The $40 million (discount) and the complete loss of the Crestmoor property to the public is a crime.(maybe a real crime?)
Posted by: Dickinson's Analysis- Supports the facts- Crestmoor Fraud | November 13, 2024 at 07:04 AM
What San Bruno was "told."
1. How can Summerhill sell the project when escrow has not yet closed?
The City is not privy to the details of land transactions, except as the interested parties choose to share information. The City has been informed that Summerhill and Toll Brothers negotiated a business deal that as soon as Summerhill closes escrow, the property and project approvals would be transferred to Toll Brothers.
2. How can Toll Brothers start work (asbestos remediation has begun) when escrow has not yet closed?
As the current owner, the school district can, and in this case has, authorized work to commence prior to escrow closing. The City's role is to ensure the work being done with the proper permits.
3. What was the sale price to Summerhill and then Summerhill’s sale price to Toll Brothers?
According to the San Mateo Daily Journal, the purchase price of the land from the district is $84.3 million. The City is not privy to the information on Summerhill's sales price to Toll Brothers. That information may be discovered after the transaction occurs.
Since Summerhill is including the project approvals in the business deal, the City expects Toll Brothers is paying a greater price what Summerhill is paying the school district for the land.
Posted by: Crestmoor Fraud- What San Bruno was "told" | November 13, 2024 at 04:59 PM
Guys, I would be remiss if I didn't say that Bruce Dickinson isn't sure what exactly is the fraud that SMUSD board committed? I'm don't even think you can say they were negligent.
I was talking to one of my real estate guys about another project and happened to spit ball a little with him regarding the Crestmoor project. He was saying what transpired with the long process of Crestmoor (8+ year sale in the making), different buyers, a buyer walking away, changing market conditions and an evolving scope of project (what the city approves eventually) happens all the time.
A purchase price of land plus what has to include the remediation and demolishment of the school was $85 million dollars for 40 acres. This comes out to $2.1 million dollars per acre which is actually a price that makes sense for land that needs to be rehabilitated in San Mateo County. Now at the peak of the market, you had DR Horton being willing to pay $125 million dollars which puts the price at $3.1 million dollars per acre. My real estate guy told me had he been advising the Board in 2020 he would have advised them to take the $125 as it was really at a premium.
The fact that DR Horton walked away amid changing economic conditions and the next highest bidder was $85 million dollars, my guy also said given the change in the market at the time, that would also seem like a fair deal. Interest rates and inflation were changing, the cost of building materials was going up, the cost of labor (due to shortages) was skyrocketing, the cost of demolishing/abatement (asbestos) has gone up, there was a question of whether anywhere from 100 to 200 houses would be built (the value goes down if only 100 vs 200 as more density means the land is more valuable, eventually 155 houses was agreed upon and approved by the city). These are all variables that change over the 8+ years that the Board had to deal with all this once they decided to sell. These are long, arduous processes with a lot of unpredictable variables.
Looks to me like a case of "&hit Happens". These school boards aren't the next Warren Buffetts, they're not going to be able to time the cycles exactly correctly. When my guy says you know what $2.1 million per acre for something that needs to be demolished/remediated makes sense, not sure how you can argue anything other than too long a process, market conditions change, the contract with DR Horton had standard exit clauses, they didn't top tick the market and sell at the peak, but then again do you expect a volunteer school Board to be able to have this skill? Hell they can barely run these schools.
Lessons: 1) Nobody should be expecting school board greatness in real estate timing! 2) Market conditions change. What was $125 million at one point might have been $85 million a year ago and could be $100 million today. Real estate and land prices are not static!
Posted by: Bruce Dickinson | November 14, 2024 at 07:53 AM
8 months not 8 years...
DR Horton was the only buyer under contract.
There was (and still is not) a need to sell the property... so why jump on a real bad deal....
Just the Facts...
Bruce, your wisdom is important to this issue. Your lesson are exactly what was needed.
-Note- The process was NOT eight (8) years, but rather eight (8) MONTHS.
(December 2020 to July 2021)
The fraud was not independent, but part of a larger scheme...where the public would be defrauded.
The administration had a paid fiduciary and a real estate lawyer (Lozano Smith) advising them on the sale. Trustee President Griffin is a CPA.
The SMUHSD held a $125 million contract for 8 months and then accepted an $85 million replacement contract.
There is not a dispute over the price, but rather the decision to sell when there was NO REASON to take a $40 million hit.
According to the San Bruno City Council, the Buyer, SummerHill Homes has a contract IN PLACE, selling he property to the Toll Brothers, upon the close of escrow with the SMUHSD.
The residents in San Bruno (and the city council) have no idea what is going on, or who is building the houses. There is doubt that the SMUHSD Trustees event know about these facts... because the administration withholds information from the Trustees....
These are public lands and SummerHill is getting paid because someone persuade Superintendent Kevin Skelly to sell the Trustees on an $85 million deal while covering up the collapse of the $125 million DR Horton contract. (these are the facts-public statements and documents).
At least here on the BV, the facts are out in the public. The BV has been cited in documents coming from the CA Attorney Generals Office in evidence statements, so someone is reading the facts and does not like the dirty laundry out in public.
If/when Kevin Skelly is placed under oath again, there would be an admission of these facts below. Its amazing what the "penalty of perjury" does for the disclosure of facts... well, sometimes.
The Trustees should not need to be placed under oath to tell the truth to the public.
The SMUHSD was represented by a fiduciary expert and real estate lawyers, the school board rookies did not make the decision, they were the pawns.
The DR Horton contract was signed in December 2020 and cancelled July 2021, this was not an eight year deal, it was eight months....
Closed session are confidential at the time to engage in a frank and robust discussion, but after a contract closes (DR Horton) the confidentiality is gone the public has a right to know what took place and the contract should be published as part of the minutes.
If the Trustees had Bruce Dickinson advising them, providing them with complete information, options, and possible outcomes, they would have passed on the $85 million deal and waited.
There was little or no expense to continue to hold the Crestmoor property, but a $40 million loss (based on probability of the return of market conditions to a $125 million price tag) on taking the $85 million deal.
If this were private sector land, no one would care about the loss. This is the public's money and deserved actual due diligence, ethics, honesty, and transparency.
No one should be foolish enough to argue with Bruce Dickinson, only seek his wisdom. Too many facts have been disclosed for the public to believe the "prior" story.
Here are the some of the other facts that impaired the ability of the Trustees to actually make a decision...
1. There was no need to sell the Crestmoor property. These capital funds were not needed and cannot be spent on anything except capital expenditures. (They could be used to pay off Bond Debt). When the DR Horton Deal collapsed, there was NO mandate to sell to another buyer. The second deal (SummerHill) took place "behind closed doors" without the Trustees knowledge. (The Trustees and the public did not even have the opportunity to say STOP NOW!)
2. The SMUHSD Superintendent and Law Firm actually "hid" the collapsed DR Horton deal from the Trustees. The Trustees had no idea what was taking place and that the contract had been cancelled in July 2021. (what would happen over at
Burlingame City Hall if a paid fiduciary pulled something like this?-Handcuffs)
3. The August 5 and August 12 SMUHSD public agendas continued to show DR Horton as the Buyer when the deal had already collapsed. (published as Closed Session) The Trustees held TWO Closed Session meetings discussing DR Horton as the Buyer when the deal was already over. (Brown Act anyone)
4. The Crestmoor Information was intentionally withheld from the SMUHSD Trustees UNTIL Superintendent Skelly was awared a contract extension (two years- $329,000 per year.)-August 12, 2021
5. The Board of Trustees knew NOTHING about the following:
August 2021-
The Lozano Smith Law Firm was representing the SMUHSD in the Crestmoor Deal.
The Lozano Smith Law Firm was ALSO representing Superintendent Skelly and Deputy Superintendent Black before the CTC and the Attorney General.
Superintendent Skelly and Deputy Superintendent Black were "using" the legal services of the Lozano Smith Law Firm without permission or knowledge of the Trustees.
There was no one representing the legal interests of the people?
Superintendent Skelly and Deputy Superintendent Black had been under investigation by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and their credentials were recommended for suspension. They were under investigation by the California Attorney Generals Office.
Superintendent Skelly and Deputy Superintendent Black WHERE ALSO under a SECOND investigation by the CTC which was more damaging.
This was all taking place (documented) without the knowledge of the Trustees, while Skelly and the law firm were "persuading" the Trustees to take the $85 million deal.
If the Trustees became informed of the "collapsed" DR Horton deal which collapsed in July but was not disclosed until the SummerHill "back up" deal was in place, the rest of the dominoes would fall and Skelly, Black, and the Lozano Smith Firm would fall.
Remember that Superintendent Skelly DID receive the two-year $329,000 contact extension on August 12, 2021 two weeks prior to the announcement of the SummerHill deal. Skelly states frequently that he "loved his job and was not going anywhere ... he then announced his "retirement" on January 12, 2022.
What took place between August 12, 201 and January 12, 2022 when Skelly "resigned." -- Skelly's credential was "under investigation" when he "separated from service" in July 2022.
Education Code 80303 REQUIRED the SMUHSD to file a report on Skelly with the state- (did they?)
§ 80303 Reports of Change in Employment Status
(a) The superintendent of an employing school district shall report a change in employment status to the Commission not later than 30 days after the final employment action whenever a credential holder, working in a position requiring a credential, as a result of an allegation of misconduct or while an allegation of misconduct is pending.
Skelly was next seen in 2022 substitute teaching in the SMUHSD. Who leaves $658,000 plus benefits and a substantial retirement enhancement to be a substitute teacher? Skelly stated to perplexed staff on the sites his reason for being a sub, "gotta pay for those benefits."
It would seem that continuing on with a two-year, $329,000 salary and benefits would be better that being a substitute teacher on a daily per diem.
The Bruce Dickinson expertise on the issue enhances the understanding of the problem. There were well paid experts in place to guide the SMUHSD Trustees and those "experts" knowingly steered the trustees into a deal, where the Trustees were blocked from information and expertise needed to make the right decision.
The defrauding of the SMUHSD Trustees-
It is already defined in evidence that Superintendent Kevin Skelly withheld from the Board the CTC and Attorney General Investigations over nine Superintendent Evaluation -Closed Sessions listed below. The Trustees knew NOTHING of the credential suspensions, the ongoing investigation by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing Educator Misconduct Committee in CTC Case #2 OR the collapsed DR Horton Deal. The Trustees have admitted that they knew NOTHING!
-May 6, 2021-Palo Alto Daily reports on the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) credential suspension recommendation of Superintendent Skelly and Deputy Superintendent Kirk Black. -
-May 6, 2021-Closed Session- SMUHSD Trustee-Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-May 13, 2021-Special Session- Closed Session- SMUHSD Trustee-Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-May 20, 2021- Special Session - Closed Session- SMUHSD Trustee-Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-June 10, 2021- -Closed Session- Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-June 21, 2021-Special Section-SINGLE ITEM Closed Session - Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-June 24, 2021-Closed Session- Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-June 30, 2021- Brown Act complaint filed with the San Mateo District Attorney’s Office. Administration was “manipulating” the public agenda and hiding administrative contracts to prevent public comment on Dr. Black’s 2021-2022 contract. (see below)
-July 1, 2021- Special Section-SINGLE ITEM Closed Session - Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-August 5, 2021- Special Session- Closed Session- Brown Act- Non-Represented Contracts FINALLY posted
-August 12, 2021-(Video) Superintendent Kevin Skelly granted a Two-Year- $329,000 per year contract extension-
Where is Skelly?
Ironically, the Whisman District was removing its Superintendent for fiscal negligence, spending $121,500.00 on an "Energy Healer" using public funds.
They hired Skelly, then did a background check, and then hired ANOTHER Superintendent to watch Skelly.
Posted by: Dickinson's Analysis- Supports the facts- Crestmoor Fraud | November 15, 2024 at 06:16 AM
Again, not sure what a "real bad deal" is when something hits what's fair market value. Conditions change a lot and a lot of real estate deals during that time period went south. Not sure about who knew what and when as you allege, but you have to trust Bruce Dickinson when he says that there are so many variables that go into these deals and any change in the variables can have a big outcome on valuation.
My real estate guy was telling me SMUSD in 2020 had been working on Crestmoor for the prior 4-5 yrs to look for buyers/redevelopment. So add that plus 4 years (to today) and this is an 8 year period where a LOT of things have changed.
Posted by: Bruce Dickinson | November 15, 2024 at 04:27 PM
Toll Bros. will host a community mtg re Crestmoor project at 5:30pm Nov 21 at San Bruno Rec Center
Posted by: HMB | November 16, 2024 at 10:11 AM
Graft 101-
An Extraordinary Audit is needed-
Its not just the money...
Trustee Greg Land is personally responsible to the constituents of Burlingame to have these issues investigated.
Principal Land is FULLY aware of the ongoing FRAUD in the Crestmoor Deal and beyond in the SMUHSD and was (yes- past tense) expected to ACT.
Sitting hoping the problem will go away is not a solution. A trustee, doing nothing, when they are fully informed of illegal and unethical actions IS part of the problem and not a solution. Trustees Land and Griffin placed themselves into this mess when they "went public" in August 2021 and defended Skelly and Black in the Daily Journal.
--The answer is simple. Trustee Land and Trustee Griffin are REQUIRED to disclose to the San Mateo County District Attorney their knowledge of violations of the law that have transpired in the SMUHSD.
We are called Trustees so that we can Trust them... Its time to EARN back the trust boys.... The "Good Ole Boy" Wagon has left you "holding the bag..."
The CA Ed Code provides for an intervention of an external audit carried out by the state’s Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT)
In 2015, a FCMAT intervention disclosed the SMUHSD's gross failure to implement state and federal mandates for students protected under ADA-504 and Special Education.
The SMUHSD Administration knew of and covered up these federal violations until FINALLY a Civil Rights complaint was filed with the United States Office of Civil Rights.
-These actions were also strategically suppressed from the Trustees.
There is no dispute about the market factors changing. The analysis is spot on which is why the political analysis needs to move to the center stage. The point has been about the representation of the public and transparency.
The County Superintendent has the authority to request an external audit, known as an Extraordinary Audit of the SMUHSD and its compliance with the law.
In addition to the Crestmoor “Deal” the district has expended $$$ millions of dollars on covering up (literally) the Skelly-Black fraud of the CTC, Attorney General, and associated legal malpractice and related violations using the public expenditures. The Crestmoor debacle took place DURING these other “crimes” that are well known the district leaders and the Trustees.
-If everything is fine then why were the SMUHSD Superintendents HIDING all of the evidence?
-Why did Skelly defraud the public agendas (Aug 5 and Aug 12) by listing DR Horton as the buyer when the contract was cancelled the MONTH prior?
-Direct Lies -Superintendent Skelly engaged in NINE (9) Closed Session “Evaluation of Superintendent” and NEVER disclosed the CTC and Attorney General Investigation and charges of Skelly, Black, and Mills Principal. (below)
Just how many Special Closed Sessions of Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly are needed for Kevin Skelly to tell the truth to the Trustees?
Trustee Land- This is you... except you DEFENDED Skelly in the Daily Journal, calling out the state investigation as "poorly done."
The Trustees had no information on the investigation, and therefore Trustees had NO IDEA of what was taking place!)
The SECOND CTC and Attorney General Investigation of Skelly, Black, and BHS’s Melissa Murphy had also been ongoing since March 2021. No communication to the Trustees.
-September 10, 2021- The SMUHSD Trustees are “leveraged” by Skelly, Black, and Murphy to defraud the CTC and Murphy’s attorney. Brown Act Violation-
-May 6, 2021-Palo Alto Daily- Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) credential suspension recommendation of Superintendent Skelly and Deputy Superintendent Kirk Black. -
-May 6, 2021-Closed Session- Trustee-Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-May 13, 2021-Special- Closed Session--Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-May 20, 2021- Special - Closed Session--Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-June 10, 2021- Closed Session- Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-June 21, 2021-Special-Closed Session - Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-June 24, 2021-Closed Session- Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
-June 30, 2021- Brown Act complaint filed- San Mateo District Attorney’s Office. Administration was “manipulating” the public agenda.
- July 1, 2021- Special-Closed Session - Evaluation of Superintendent Skelly
- August 5, 2021- Special-Closed Session- Brown Act- Non-Represented contracts
- August 12, 2021- Sup. Skelly contract extension- two-year-$329,000 per year.
- August 26, 2021- Summer Hill contract announced. Trustee have NEVER disclosed the cancelled DR Horton contract.
-September 10, 2021- Records show that SMUHSD Trustees were “leveraged” by Skelly, Black, and Melissa Murphy to defraud the CTC and Murphy’s attorney. Brown Act Violation
The “bargain basement” sale to Summer Hill Homes is a cover-up at the cost of $40 million to the tax-payers. A complete EXTERNAL AUDIT of these events is needed.
-This sale reminds me of the story of the "Louse of a Spouse" who runs off with a much younger mate.
The Louse sent a note announcing the end of the relationship to the long-term partner and a request... "Sell my Porsche and send me the money!"
A week or so later, the louse got a card from the former spouse with a check for $95 dollars. The Louse picked up the phone, and called, "What is the check for $95 dollars?"
"I sold the Porsche like you asked.."
The people of the SMUHSD did not ask the Trustees to "sell the Porsche." The people entrusted the Board to hire a fiduciary who would place the people's interest (FIRST) and place guardrails around Superintendent Skelly.
In December 2020, the Trustees gave the public a $125 million contract for Crestmoor.
The $125 million sale to DR Horton was listed in public agendas, discussed in open meetings, hailed in the local communities, and written about in the local media.
The public BACKED a sale at $125 million.
Then... silence...
The public did not even have the ability to become aware of the collapsed sale to DR Horton and the loss of the $125 million sale.
The collapse of the sale was NOT disclosed on ANY agenda or media outlet. The SMUHSD Trustees themselves DID NOT KNOW that the deal had collapsed.
Just like the Trustees did not know that Skelly and Black were under investigation by the CA Attorney General at the EXACT SAME TIME- and were using the district money to pay for lawyers. (someone SHOULD have known)
In fact, the SMUHSD administrators continued to defraud the public by LISTING DR Horton as the $125 million BUYER on its August 5 and August 12, 2021 public agendas when the deal had collapsed in July 2021.
Hence, the public did not even HAVE the ability to become aware of the loss of the $125 million deal.
If the law and ethics HAD BEEN FOLLOWED, and the collapse of the $125 million sale to DR Horton was properly disclosed and reported, THEN the PEOPLE (the ones who actually own the property) could have communicated their will to the Trustees.
According to the public agendas, the SMUHSD Trustees were presented the news of the collapse of the $125 million DR Horton deal and the "new" $85 million SummerHill Homes deal at the same time.
An ethical public board would have expected two separate and properly listed actions in the public arena.
1. The announcement of the collapse of the DR Horton $125 million deal.
2. The proposal of a new deal for $85 million to Summer Hill Homes.
(We know that this DID NOT TAKE PLACE as the Trustee President Robert Griffin, a CPA, would have reported it out of Closed Session in this manner, as required by law.
The DR Horton contract was completed upon its cancellation, and the administration and the Trustees had a legal obligation to report out AND list the cancelled contract in its minutes.
Instead, the doors were closed in the dark room of the Closed Session and the Trustees were handed the "package deal" of a loss of $125 million and a "back up deal" at $40 million less...
... Skelly looked at the Trustees and stated, "at least I sold the Porsche..."
The $85 million sale to Summer Hill Homes, who have now signed a "sale upon the close of escrow with the SMUHSD to Toll Brothers, was never part of the consent of the people, because the Trustees still don't know about the Toll Brothers deal....
Look at the faces of the Trustees while President Griffen "reports out" the $40 million loss to the public. "A unanimous agreement" by the Trustees.
August 26, 2021-SMUHSD Board Meeting
Only two weeks later, on September 10, 2021, the SMUHSD Board of Trustees was once again leveraged by Superintendent Skelly and Lozano Smith and "duped" into sending a letter claiming the "unanimous support" of the Board to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. The content and objective of the letter was to defraud the state investigative agency as it was investigating Superintendent Skelly, Deputy Superintendent Black, and Burlingame High School's Melissa Murphy.
The letter and its contents, known to be false, slanderous, and defamatory, was signed by Trustee Griffen with the "authorization of the entire board."
The Trustees even "sold out" their own legal counsel, SM County Counsel John Nibbelin as he was CC'd on the letter, indicating that "another lawyer" who DID NOT REPRESENT THE TRUSTEES wrote the legal language, and had it sent as if it was the work of the PEOPLE of the SMUHSD.
--The SMUHSD has refused to disclose WHO solicited the letter, who wrote and sent the item on District Letterhead,(even Fed Exed!- who paid?) AND the item is NOT on any public agenda, listed in any minutes, or reported out of a Closed Session.
The Brown Act specifically prohibits these actions as they are fraud and a misuse of public funds and public power.
Burlingame Trustee Land is "signed off" on each of these actions, yet not a word to constituents.
If this HAD been disclosed to the public, there might have been an election.
Candidate Neal Kaufmann (2020)would NEVER have put up with this type of crap.
What is worse for a Trustee, selling out the public for $40 million or selling your sole and ethics for next to nothing.
-They did not think they would get caught in the real estate deal or the other frauds.
-The SM County Sup of Education can order an external "extraordinary audit" of the books and transactions of the SMUHSD.
Just as Skelly was stupid enough to step in for the "Energy Healer" in Mountain Vies and "oversee" the process.
"Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team to Audit Energy Healer"
Posted by: Trustees Land and Griffin "left holding the bag" -SMUHSD Fraud | November 19, 2024 at 10:15 AM