I mentioned this front-page Daily Post article in yesterday's edition to a couple people and they just did not believe me. So here's the proof. What can the developer and the city of Redwood City be thinking? They have already made a mess of downtown RWC, but apparently they aren't done yet. 178 units get 6 parking spaces. You must have a lot of faith in renters relying on Uber, Lyft and Waymo. Could it happen in B'game? Let's hope not.
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I bet four out of the six spaces will be EV-only!
Posted by: Handle Bard | July 18, 2024 at 01:20 PM
The city planner claims their hands are tied by SB35 and SB423 and the fact that the location is less than a half mile from transit and includes low-income housing. So there you have it. The state forcing a ridiculous rule on cities.......
You would think such a development would need at least six handicap spaces!
When are the cities going to rise up and fight Sac?
Posted by: Joe | July 18, 2024 at 02:39 PM
Be sure to thank Greasy Gavin and our sheep assembly members and sheep state senators (all democRATS, of course) for their continued attacks on suburban homeowners. What did we do to deserve such hatred from elected politicians? Please, if you know, explain it to me.
Posted by: Paloma Ave | July 18, 2024 at 07:39 PM