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May 08, 2024



If there are cluster hires are there cluster fires or just cluster f*&%s?


This guy's letter to the Comicle editors today is quite fun since he references the Greek philosophers. I'm still waiting for someone to draw a straight line back to Fauxcahontas who I believe still has a teaching position at Harvard in addition to her US Senate seat!:


Suppose UC Berkeley is justified in unnaming Kroeber Hall because of Alfred Kroeber’s alleged disrespect for Indigenous California peoples. What is the appropriate action for Hoover, a woman of European ancestry profiting from being someone she is not?

Greek thinkers embraced the view that each person seeks to maximize their own advantage within understood societal constraints. Hoover embraced maximizing her advantage without a concern for societal constraints, without which, there is no morality.

It is time to “unname” Hoover from the tenured track faculty and for the university administration to publicly acknowledge its error.

James Barter, Berkeley
And as a bonus we get yet another new word--the TypePad text editor is highlighting that "unname" ain't a word.

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