I have been meaning to add a "Sacramento Stupidity" category for some time. One could argue that it is overlap with what goes into a few other existing categories like "State level issues", "High Speed Rail", etc. But somethings are just so stupid they need a category of their own and I have finally found the one to take the proverbial cake. The Merc is reporting:
Los Gatos eases story pole restrictions for new developments
Story poles may help Los Gatos residents get a sense of how much space new developments will occupy, but the state told town officials that requiring the poles may keep new housing from being built in town.
After receiving word from the state’s department of Housing and Community Development that the town’s story pole policy “poses a constraint to the construction of new housing” and could therefore impede approval of its Housing Element, the Los Gatos Town Council in a split vote approved easing the requirements. Poles won’t be required for projects over 55 feet tall, and signage will be allowed in lieu of story poles for certain residential projects.
Outcry from residents who saw story poles go up on the North 40 property led to the developers filing a lawsuit in 2016 after council rejected plans for the first phase of the development in East Los Gatos.
This could easily be an April Fool's Day post, but it isn't. In a recent email, the GovernforCalifornia.org team discussed the mind-boggling budget deficit the state has just one year after having a massive surplus, by noting the state should:
Reduce the number of Executive Branch employees, which has risen under Mr. Newsom to 252,000, or 6.47 employees per 1000 population, from 212,000, or 5.37 employees per 1000 population, in Governor Brown's last year of office. Matching Mr. Brown's number of employees per 1000 population would eliminate 43,000 positions.
If you are wondering how the state has time to chase after towns about their story-pole policies, there is your answer. Welcome to the new Sacramento Stupidity category--I fear it will be a busy one.
We wouldn't want any politicians to be able to visualize what they are voting on. That would be un-American.
Posted by: resident | April 24, 2024 at 02:32 PM