There are a number of reasons why I call the SF Chronicle the "Comicle". I might have plagiarized it from Herb Caen decades ago. There is so much slanted "news" some days that it seems like the whole edition is a comic strip. Last Thursday, some "reporter" named J.K. Dineen provided the latest example when he/she waded into the San Mateo Baywood happenings around getting historic district certification. The headline screamed "Effort could skirt state housing laws". Um, no. The law (SB9) includes exceptions for historic districts and resources. You aren't "skirting" a law by complying with what it says.
Dineen kicks the piece off with "A stealth effort to have the state legislature designate one of San Mateo's wealthiest neighborhoods as a historic district could create a playbook for other Bay Area enclaves looking to avoid complying".....blah, blah, blah. It's only a "stealth effort" if one hasn't been paying attention to our local news. The DJ must have run a dozen articles on the effort and published a couple of dozen LTTEs. If one's world view generally stops around McLaren Park then it's "stealth".
Note the coded language--"wealthiest neighborhood" and an "enclave" and "genteel subdivision". Can "leafy suburb" be far behind? For some reason, searching the Comicle site for a link does not bring up the piece, but here is the front page. Can B'game be next? How will they ratchet up the angst when it's H'borough's turn?