The weather in Ess Eff yesterday was nothing short of spectacular for the beginning of Fleet Week. Getting there and especially getting back were the usual pain in the car seat, but the show was excellent. We had a window seat at Fog Harbor restaurant until right before the Blue Angels started and were joined by a friend who is a former Air Force and American Airlines pilot that once tried out for the Thunderbirds--talk about getting the inside scoop!
The F-35 made an appearance as did Fat Albert (the C-130) that flew under the Golden Gate bridge--we thought that rules had made that thing of the past, but it sure looked like he did it anyway. The United Airlines flybys of a 737 and a 787 doing circles around the bay were cool and my buddy who was an instructor pilot for both aircraft added all sorts of details. The Blue Angels are the usual highlight, and this year was no exception especially when one of them went into hover-mode and just hung and spun in place for more than a minute just above the sail boats. Here is the 787 and the Angels courtesy of the Chronicle.