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October 27, 2023


Paloma Ave.

There is no right to free speech while on an employers property.


Who wouldn’t want to work for the city of Burlingame?
Put out some “For Hire” flyers and see what happens…

Timothy Hooker

Where can we see the pay numbers by job description?

Gerald Weisl

Here's a link which might be of interest regarding salaries...


hollyroller@ gmail.com

Dear Paloma,
I had a couple of jobs where upon employment: "You can never discuss your pay package or benefits with any other employee."
Do you believe that is Free Speech?
Or, once off the "employer's property "you can have Free Speech?

hollyroller@ gmail.com

Do you folks know that Mr. Holtz make over $147,000.00 a year. Add Benefits, close to $2000,000.00 a year? Before we begin to Tear Down the COB Employee's that keep the Lawns Mowed, and Garbage Cans emptied, please consider why a Person/Manager that makes almost a Quater Million Dollars a Year would complain about "His Workers" are making to much money. DAM.

hollyroller@ gmail.com

I do not care for Ms. Paloma at all. Nevertheless, I do appreciate "their comments." Keep 'em coming Ms. Paloma...
At least the BV Community will be able to "Welcome Another BV Community Crackpot into the Fold.
Happy Halloween.
What time will you be serving Treats Tuesday Evening?
Please Ms. Paloma, last year the "Rotten Apples" and Dental Floss you shared with the neighborhood were inappropriate. The previous year it was "Cabage on White Bread with Miracle Whip."
This year's Halloween, at least throw a few melted Candy Canes from 2021 in the "little kids" Trick/Treat Bags.


Drinking early again, holly? I'll bet the Park & Wreck and public works guys are making good money.

Paloma Ave.

Dear Mr. Holyroller – Please do not be concerned about being displaced as thee #1 Crackpot on Burlingame Voice.
No one could come close to your meandering unintelligible postings.

hollyroller@ gmail.com

That's it Paloma Ave... No Mas. No Mas.
You are off this year's Christmas Card List.
Don't worry though.
Just send the same "See's Candy Easter Box of Love Nuggets" you sent for Easter last year and "all will be forgiven."
Happy Halloween Paloma Ave.
I Love those Nuggets.

Timothy Hooker

Thanks Gerald: In reviewing Burlingame payroll details, I think I am in the wrong business. :-)

Paloma Ave.

And if you add in the retirement benefits!

hollyroller@ gmail.com

Company Vehicle-GIANT NHTs, Gas Card, Insurance, Clothing Expense Account, and "Slush Fund." receipts required, as well as yearly bonus's. To live in the SF Bay Area "Struggling to Claw to Burlingame Middle Class, a Family of Four needs to make at least &200,000.00 a year. These people NEED to receive this income to live. Good For Them. Look around. Burlingame is Beautiful... Paloma Ave. Every city needs a Ghetto. As well as the Neighborhood, self-important Bully.


I see Joe is sprucing up the joint by defending the city


Joe- the NLRB is around for the reasons that the city has a suit filed against them. Oh yeah, not just this one time. There has been a few lately. Look it up. I’ll give you one good reason the NLRB is around; termination for no good reason. You can’t do that in these city jobs nowadays. It’s just like the teachers. Yes, there are some employees that need to go. That goes for management as well. When a manager says to a group of employees that if, “they don’t like their job, you can come to me and I’ll help you find another job”. That’s harassment and intimidation nowadays in the public sector. It’s unacceptable in the professional environment that Mr. Holtz claims to be managing. Where does the HR stand on this? Silent, I’m sure. I’m sure that Mr. Holtz still has his job though. Remember folks, he also belongs to a union (Bay Area Middle Management).


"Joe is defending the city"

I can hear the howling laughter in City Hall from here. How about "Joe is speaking up for the taxpaying residents of Burlingame"? That would be much more accurate.

You are clearly someone who has never signed the front of a paycheck. Go look this up:

When government unions strike, they strike against taxpayers. F.D.R. considered this “unthinkable and intolerable.” Government collective bargaining means voters do not have the final say on public policy.


Joe, well stated. Thanks.

hollyroller@ gmail.com

Thank You Corona.

hollyroller@ gmail.com

Dear Joe.
If anyone in your family has EVER been in a Union, did, they make a "Good Living?" Did they have a "Retirement Package?" Did they have "Medical Benefits" for their Family and Spouse? Could they take a Week off work without being fired to be with their Family? If an COB Employee gets hurt at work will the COB pay for their medical bills? 40 Hour Work Week?
I believe that you Joe, are a RECIPANT OF THESE BENEFITS. How in the World can you be such a Hypocrite?
Let us know how the AFCME Union that represents 90% of the City of Burlingame Employee's has not made your life better? Then again, I don't know Jack S. But Holly Cow! Wow.
I used to think you were a journalist.
Just another Shill for MAGA.

hollyroller@ gmail.com

One more comment.
Mr. Holtz-COB Park& Recreation Boss is by far the best, eductaeed, experienced, hardworking-60 hour week COB employee committed Manager there ever was.
In my educated/legal opinion, the COB should stop disrespecting the basic needs of the people who make COB a Diamond. Just give them what they want. Paloma?


Joe, there is a wise old saying-- Don't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

1 Corona, 2 Corona, 3 Corona, 4
5 Corona, 6 Corona, who will buy me one more?

Everything’s Jake

Joe, I applaud your postings on looking out for the taxpayer. Politicians and government unions certainly think citizens are a never ending well of money. Unions always want more for less. That cannot be sustained. So, again I thank you for supporting taxpayers, and for keeping this forum positive despite the comments from the crazies.


Thank you for the first point, Everything's Jake. On the second point, I'm glad you find it positive. You may be in the minority :-)

Paloma Ave.

Bicyclists are the minority, but amongst our politicians they RULE!

Timothy Hooker

What concerns me is the lack of transparency in the negotiations. Every word spoken between parties should be on-line in realtime so the citizens can be aware of what their Council is agreeing to.
A healthy balance of union workers is good, but it has to be clear who they work for. Taxpayers.

Unions can increase expenses and create a confrontational dynamic between workers and employers. While unions often secure higher pay for their members, they also elevate labor costs.

Additionally, because unions represent workers in negotiations with management, it can occasionally lead to conflicts between labor and management. If you believe that a contentious relationship between employees and employers is natural, you may not perceive an issue.

Why don't we split the workforce 50/50 between private and Union using mutually agreed upon KPI's and analytics to measure the productivity and cost on an annual basis????

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