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September 26, 2023


Mark Lucchesi

Great timing Joe. This coming Friday Mark at the Mic is going to sit down and have a conversation with Sarah Simmons the new Executive Director of the Burlingame Library Foundation Board. Nice interview Joe, might just have you and Russ back on the show.


Thanks, Mark at the Mic. I hope you will ask her when they plan to take down the BS ribbon covering up the historic tapestry motto saying "Living in Burlingame is a Special Privilege". The sooner the better. The story is here:


She should understand that the Library's donation flow is being impacted (negatively) by this move and is likely to get worse.


Library leadership must feel fairly privileged to unilaterally decide to change history with a pretty ribbon.

Mark Lucchesi

Morning Joe. Yes I will ask the question and thanks for the suggestion

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