One of the least used categories on the right-hand frame used to be called "Spam Control". It was a bigger deal a few years ago. TypePad has improved since, but some legit comments still get caught in the net. It may take us a week or more to check and release. Comments that are long and have embedded links seem more prone.
We've renamed the category to "Tech Stuff: Spam Control, etc" as the place to stuff of all flavors.
This morning TypePad was running slow and rendering some error messages when things timed out. That happens now and then--sometimes it's their platform and sometimes it's a symptom of a larger internet or cloud provider issue. Please be patient.
You may occassionally run into a photo that is not displaying correctly--just the filename. TypePad is aware of the issue with caching and is working on it.
Posted by: Editor | January 08, 2024 at 02:17 PM