In a classic case of closing the barn door after the cows have departed, Caltrain has done a "hard prune" of the remaining eucalyptus trees along the railroad right of way. Of course, doing this before the massive storms and wind that we had in January would have reduced the wind load on the trees and possibly prevented the track closures we endured. Better late than never I suppose, but one hopes they realize a hard prune means the foliage comes back strong. Better put another trim on the calendar for October or November 2023.
Update: In a classic case of what happens when you assume something--you make an ass of you and me--I stand corrected on who closed the barn door. I'm told this part of the euc grove is actually owned by the city unlike the part of the grove that is north of Oak Grove; which is Caltrain's and some other agencies' section. These had been pruned a bit but never topped and thus were quite tall. I'll leave the title of the post as is to avoid confusion and so it's clear where we are talking about.
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