I search out the Daily Post to keep an eye on points south of us since events in the larger cities like Palo Alto, Mountain View and RWC not only affect us now, but could be a forerunner of what will happen in the future here. Yesterday's issue was disturbing. The two top of front page headlines were "Panhandler arrested after violent spree" and "Woman charged in hijab attack". The first article noted that a downtown Palo Alto "panhandler" was arrested after threatening or spitting on four people, including a man in his 80's who refused to give her money. 10 minutes later a similar incident and couple minutes later she grabbed a bottle off a table at a nearby cafe and threatened another person. Then one more after that. She was previously arrested on Jan. 22, 2021 but that was dismissed on July 1, 2021. She was arrested this year on June 23 and August 5.
The second article describes a female transient attacking a teenager wearing a hijab in downtown Mountain View. Two women came to her rescue and the attacker fled on a bicycle but was apprehended. The attacker already faces a charge of brandishing a dangerous weapon on June 24, 2022. The Santa Clara DA, Jeff Rosen, declared in the article "We have no tolerance for those whose intolerance crosses the line into criminality and violence". Excuse me? It doesn't seem like the actions match the words.
I had a similar sense of impending trouble on Broadway on Monday. Someone who appeared on the edge of being out of control had taken up residence on the bench in front of Wells Fargo. And then there is this from yesterday's DJ:
Will we learn that this guy has a history that predates August? I hope not, but "hope is not a strategy".
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