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August 27, 2022



I sometimes wonder if the law is not clear enough or explicit enough in this area. I seem to have heard similar stories every couple of years.


The wheels of justice turn slowly but they do turn. Even with a confession, it takes time. The San Mateo County DA DOES prosecute elder abuse. Keep talking to the police and the DA's office. It's an emotionally fraught experience when you already have enough to deal with when your parents are dying, but police and the DA's office do take elder abuse seriously.


Case number SNB 2201541.
Thank you, Joe.


Here is another example of sophisticated elder abuse that fortunately was caught:

Over two rounds of margaritas at Applebee’s, a 66-year-old school crossing guard signed a deal with a real estate agent, thinking she had rescued her $1.7 million home in Redwood City from foreclosure.

Instead, Sara Jansohn had unwittingly sold the house for less than a third of its value. The buyer, a Hollywood actor named Justin Rodgers Hall, was working with real estate agent Tonika Miller in what prosecutors describe as an elaborate but all too familiar ruse to swindle an older adult out of her home.

Legal observers recognized the sequence of events: a property lands on a county foreclosure list; lenders and brokers who track these lists try to ingratiate themselves to the desperate homeowner; the homeowner is prone to trust anyone who seems knowledgeable and offers financial assistance.

The deed claimed that Jansohn had received $800,000 for her property, an amount so far below market value that the county recorder reported the sale to law enforcement, leading to the arrest of Hall and Miller on a raft of charges alleging grand theft and money laundering.


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