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June 10, 2022


Timothy Hooker

It is everywhere including newspaper boxes, all over train area, BHS Campus and too many areas to mention.

Weird thing is one of your City leaders is pushing their priorities such as; fighting for common-sense gun safety, to passing legislation to codify Roe v. Wade, healing our planet, addressing mental health, prioritizing education, tackling wealth and income inequality, and dismantling systemic racism.

Not a single thing about a typical local City's issues such as:

Increasing citizen engagement
Legislative/regulatory changes
Council-staff relationship
Managing increasing citizen expectations
Transparent and open government
Clean our city
Asset management
Community planning issues
Support our local law enforcement
Strategic planning/council's vision
Operational inefficiencies
Community growth
Fix traffic congestion
Noise abatement
The budget
Recruitment and retention
Empower Peace & Unity amongst all religious and other faiths

Regarding the racist accusations:

Accusing our community of being racist is wrong on many levels. Stop making excuses for violence, and stop turning a blind eye toward murder, shootings, abuse, addiction, horrible schools, and broken homes. Saying “systemic racism” exists makes you a big part of the problem. It's so easy for some Elitist living in a $3-4 million dollar home in one of the wealthiest zip codes in America to accuse America of being a racist.

Let's make Burlingame your #1 focus. The other issues while they are noble causes do not solve our small town issues.

Just Venting: Breathe in......

Reference from a Council member's marketing mail outs below:

When Rep. Jackie Speier announced her retirement it was a surprise to everyone. Even though her decision to retire was unexpected, my decision to run was not an in-the-moment decision. Inspired by Jackie’s courageous leadership and my meaningful experience serving in local office, I thought perhaps someday I might run for this seat.

I just didn’t expect it to be in 2022!

But acting quickly, decisively, and thoughtfully was what I was trained to do in the Army–and that’s how I took on this race for Congress.

But I couldn’t have run this race without you.

Campaigns take an army, not a village. Phonebanking, walking precincts, delivering and displaying signs, donating, hosting events, emailing, texting, marching in parades, assembling walk packets, the list goes on and the work never ends. I’m forever grateful for your help, the kind words of encouragement, the many steps you logged knocking doors and talking to voters. Every single day, people (particularly women) thanked me for having the guts to run.

I’m incredibly proud of our campaign – our tireless staff and hard-working volunteers, who together built this airplane as we were flying it! We kept it positive. We inspired. We talked about issues that matter in people’s daily lives. We gave voters hope that Congress and our country can do better. We weren’t handed the baton, we had to fight for every vote we earned, and we accomplished more than anyone thought possible.

And in that great democratic process, I learned so much talking with voters at coffees, in peoples' homes and businesses, in parades, or at the 2,788 doors I personally knocked on during the past 90 days – both in English and in Spanish. The journey has been worth it.

I look forward to getting some rest, spending some quiet time with my family, reconnecting with old friends, and continuing to work hard in Burlingame–and as a regional leader on transportation and sustainability issues. I’ll also take time to think about what might come next. We face so many challenges, from fighting for common-sense gun safety, to passing legislation to codify Roe v. Wade, healing our planet, addressing mental health, prioritizing education, tackling wealth and income inequality, and dismantling systemic racism. There’s still so much we can do to help move big ideas forward–whether in Congress, in local office, or volunteering in our communities. Let’s keep fighting the good fight together!


Rosetta Stone? You want to know what those markings mean? The markings say:

“We who use marking pens and spray paint in public places don’t give a crap about you and what you think is your community, mofo. We will do what we want, when we want, and you ain't gonna stop us. Jus try old man. I will mess with you and I won’t have a care in the world because I know I will not spend a day in jail or be punished in any meaningful way at all. I can do what I want and there ain’t nothing you gonna do about it, right, you dumb ass m^th*%-&#r......”

That’s my take.


From Noonan’s WSJ Opinion Saturday:

“Pro­gres­sive politi-cians have been around long enough run­ning cities that some dis­tin­guish­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics can be noted. One is they don’t lis­ten to any-body. To stop them you have to fire them. They’re not like nor-mal politi­cians who have some give, who tack this way and that. Pro­gres­sive politi­cians have no doubt, no self-cor­rect-ing mech­a­nism.”

Fired or not elected.

Paloma Ave

Spurina - The quote above SHOULD start as follows “Pro­gres­sive politicians have been around long enough ruining cities..."


Thanks, folks. Actually this paragraph from Noonan's column today was even more on-point about graffiti, etc. Pretty much where MBGA is coming from:

A final characteristic of progressive politicians is that they tend to be high-IQ stupid people. They are bright and well-educated but can’t comprehend the implications of policy. They don’t understand that if an 18-year-old is repeatedly arrested for assaulting people on the street and repeatedly let go, his thought may not go in the direction of, “What a gracious and merciful society I live in, I will do more to live up to it.” It is more likely he will think, “I can assault anyone and get away with it. They are afraid of me.”

My Rosetta Stone question wasn't really fully formed so allow me to clarify. This door looks to be the work of multiple taggers. One wonders if there is a conversation (argument?) taking place. Over the years I have heard that B'game is sort of a boundary between two gangs' turf to the north/south. That makes me wonder if this is back and forth taunting?


If you're interested in translations of gang arguments you might want to go to youtube and look up:

Free-Style Rap Battle - Translated

Hydrogen vs. Boost

posted by Marcos Carvalho


Carvalho is one funny guy. Nice one.

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