I try not to get all wrapped up in how much money any candidate has in any race--at least until the end when the tally is in and the expenditure per vote garnered can be calculated. The only other interesting thing for me is where the donations originate. The Daily Post injected this little tidbit into its County sheriff campaign funding article on Monday.
That is some "help" and you have to love the group's plural name Citizens for Christina Corpus. This earns a big Voice "what's up with that?"
A commenter named Backtheblue has made a serious claim about Bolanos that is to our knowledge false. No one prior to this comment has even made such a claim nevermind offered any evidence, so it has been removed. If Backtheblue would like to offer support for the claim, we are all ears.
Posted by: Editor | May 06, 2022 at 01:04 AM
Joe I thought this was a forum where one could exercise free speech. You folks slander others all the time and without evidence. See below for the evidence that you ask—Carlos Bolaños is a sexual predator and corrupt cop. He was caught with his pants down in an illegal brothel in Vegas during an FBI raid. That aside he has failed the department in retaining officers and he has a shoddy record on civil rights and use of force. The boys in blue deserve real leadership and the residents of this county deserve a Sheriff that we can trust. I will vote for Corpus.
Posted by: Backtheblue | May 06, 2022 at 11:41 AM
Has there been any arrests in the Millbrae Walgreens incident? Has Chief Corpus made any progress? It has been a month.
Posted by: JP | May 06, 2022 at 03:57 PM
There were reports that there was a minor at the illegal brothel in Vegas but that doesn't substantiate the claim.
Posted by: HMB | May 06, 2022 at 05:55 PM
Yes, not even close to substantiating the deleted claim.
Posted by: Editor | May 06, 2022 at 06:51 PM
The Daily Post came out for Carlos Bolanos yesterday. I'm pretty much in line with their thinking which is:
"San Mateo County Sheriff Carlos Bolanos is facing a challenger who works for him, Capt. Christina Corpus , who heads the department's Millbrae office.
In our interview, Corpus couldn't offer much of a reason why anybody should vote for her--she repeatedly said that she would have an open door and people would know who their sheriff is. That's not much. It certainly isn't a competing vision."
They go on to recap the move to stop coordinating with ICE on deporting people who are here illegally to begin with AND have committed a crime, been caught and convicted. I don't get that position and don't support it. It was forced on him by the supervisors (that's my read). If I were a County supe I would be giving the sheriff all the leeway he or she wanted to make that call.
In any case, there isn't a case for Corpus and you can see it in the non-stop fluffy letters to the editor in the Daily Journal. Just pablum.
Posted by: Joe | May 10, 2022 at 05:25 PM
To the best of our knowledge Corpus has not been discovered outside of a brothel.
Posted by: Paloma Ave | May 10, 2022 at 09:49 PM
The DJ did a piece on the sheriff race that helped me reach a decision. It was pretty easy and in line with the Daily Post perspective above. One bit was particularly revealing for me and moved me to write this LTTE of the DJ:
I want to thank the Daily Journal for the article about the upcoming county sheriff’s election.
I was surprised and concerned about Cristina Corpus’ comment criticizing the use of $10 million of reserves for a new building instead of for salaries. This comment shows a fundamental lack of understanding about how budgets work. Reserves are a form of capital budget (used for one-time costs like facilities, vehicles or equipment) while on-going expenses like salaries must come from the current expense budget. The two are totally different types of financing and anyone with any budget experience would know this immediately.
The article notes that the sheriff runs the largest department in the county government. It appears that Corpus would need a lot of on-the-job training and I am very uncomfortable with that idea. She also appears not to understand who negotiates the deputies’ union contract. Hint: it is not the sheriff. I will be voting to reelect Sheriff Carlos Bolanos and voters who care about professional managerial competence should do the same.
Joseph Baylock
I am disappointed by the Vegas incident, and it was definitely a mistake, but this is an important job and not to be left to the clearly unqualified.
Posted by: Joe | May 18, 2022 at 12:30 PM
Well, Backtheblue, it appears you have your wish. I hope it works out OK although I have to say I'm concerned. I'm no expert by any means, but Corpus seems woefully unprepared to take over the biggest department in the County government. I expect she will get lots of coaching and mentoring from all of the honorable County employees in senior positions who endorsed "the other guy".
Posted by: Joe | June 08, 2022 at 07:47 PM
So you're saying she'll get nothing but harassment and attempts to undermine her every chance they get?
Posted by: HMB | June 09, 2022 at 08:45 AM
No, not at all. I was not being sarcastic. I think people like our DA, Bonta if he is elected AG, the various supervisors and other department heads are professionals committed to seeing the sheriff's department work well and will help out. I can sort of see how you might think it was sarcasm though.
Posted by: Joe | June 09, 2022 at 11:08 AM
Thanks for clarifying.
Posted by: HMB | June 09, 2022 at 02:56 PM
In the original article there is question about a $30,000.00 campaign contribution.
I remember a $450,000.00 contribution from someone's mother, in a recent race.
Posted by: Paloma Ave | June 10, 2022 at 09:05 AM
Joe, the people got their wish. Females often get told they have less experience yet she is a homegrown county official who has worked everywhere from the DA’s office to our jails, on the beat, and commanding other officers as police Chief and now Sheriff—She knows every aspect and facet of the force. In the past, politicians just tap other police chiefs to work as undersheriff and later be appointed to Sheriff. That has created an untenable situation at the department and eroded public trust.
Corpus will be a force multiplier and a departure from the old ways and the old boys club that handed out concealed carry permits and commission positions for political favors while turning their backs on the needs of officers and the people of this county.
With Corpus we will see a more professionalized approach that will keep our streets safe for everyone. This is not an appointed Sheriff it is an elected one—We are in better hands now.
Posted by: Backtheblue | June 10, 2022 at 11:12 AM
I hope you are right, Backtheblue, but as I noted above using basic budget knowledge as an example, I am concerned. There is a big difference between doing a job and leading/managing 100's of people doing the job. Ask me how I know.
BTW, maybe you can confirm what I have heard--right now she commands all of two officers and one sergeant in Millbrae. Accurate? While you're at it, exactly how many open positions are there (non-administrative) in the department? That may be the best indicator of whether she is successful or not.
Posted by: Joe | June 10, 2022 at 12:53 PM
Joe, no Sheriff or County Supervisor effectively manages the budget. They have staff, contractors, lawyers, and consultants that deal with it. The Sheriff’s office doesn’t need better management it needs better leadership, and now it has the best leader at the helm.
You can sit there and claim what about-isms all day but the fact of the matter is that Bolaños failed the public and got voted out. It is in the best interest of the public to support the new Sheriff—If they fail like Bolaños did than they will get voted out.
Time to move on now.
Posted by: Backtheblue | June 10, 2022 at 01:47 PM
Dude, I'll move on when I'm ready. In fact, I may apply for the Citizens' Oversight Committee and see how transparency really works. What do you think my chances of being selected are?
Her whole campaign was a what about-ism just like your comments. What about Las Vegas? What about being female? What about the old boys club? Look in the mirror.
Now, will you answer both of my questions above? Or is that too much transparency?
Posted by: Joe | June 10, 2022 at 02:01 PM
Joe—You should apply if you have the time to volunteer. That is the whole point.
Her campaign was about integrity and trust. I can’t trust Bolaños.
I have no idea Joe. But what I do know is that she has 20 years of experience, and is not Carlos Bolaños. That is more than enough for me. The department’s day to day management will be fine.
Posted by: Backtheblue | June 10, 2022 at 02:24 PM
Good to know that the department doesn't need better management and that all the staff and consultants do the work. It sounds like my kind of job. Can I do it from home?
Posted by: Mom | June 11, 2022 at 05:22 PM
There's gonna be a lot of WWCD down in the county center. What would Carlos do?
Posted by: resident | June 13, 2022 at 10:27 PM