We have always tracked major developments in town here at the Voice. The Safeway project even has its own category on the right frame. So the two huge projects in "Buildingame" on Park Rd. - the old Post Office Sares Regis project and the subsidized housing project merit some recorded history. The former is well into the dirt and digging for the underground parking should start soon. The latter is rising like a behemoth behind the single story spaces on Howard. Who knew those three blocks between Howard and Bayswater would epitomize Buildingame with the new parking structure and the subsidized housing project. Three years from now we will look back at what once was.
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Wow. I forgot about that building on Park Road being subsidized housing. A friend of a friend of mine has some relatives that have very recently come here from Guatemala (or maybe its Honduras, I wasn't clear on that when we were talking) and they need a place to live here and would like to live in Burlingame. How can I find out about getting them into one or two of those apartments? Super great location and it looks like it's going to be nice. Is there a list or something?
Posted by: MBGA | April 03, 2022 at 09:18 PM
Go for two apartments and sublet the extra one.
Posted by: resident | April 04, 2022 at 07:16 PM