We noted that a Density Tsunami Approaches eighteen months ago here. One of the elements was the old Peninsula Museum of Art space at 1766 ECR on the north end. The original, approved plan fell through and a new developer is back with an eight-story all residential proposal that is getting positive vibrations from the Planning Commission according to the Daily Journal piece:
A proposed eight-story north Burlingame apartment building with 311 units received a mostly positive review from the city’s Planning Commission this week, advancing the plans to replace a vacant building at 1766 El Camino Real. The project would include 37 studio units, 137 one-bedroom units, 120 two-bedroom units and 17 three-bedroom units. The (22) affordable units would be provided in exchange for the building’s density exceeding that otherwise allowed by the city, per the state’s density bonus law. The law in this case allows the developer to add 72 units on top of the maximum allowed by local zoning.
That seems like a deal. I'll do the math here. That mixture equals 465 bedrooms and a bunch of baths. Then we read
The 504,000-square-foot project would occupy a 1.7-acre parcel, with a partially below ground two-story parking garage providing 319 spots.
Just by chance I was talking to a neighbor of the Summerhill development now known as the Anson Apartments on Carolan who recalled how the neighbors were told there would be no overflow parking problems. Well, that hasn't played out too well. The single-family neighborhood around Toyon, Linden, Azalea, etc is apparently learning differently to their distress.
But it's not just parking. One wonders if the parents and future parents of kids at Franklin school are paying attention? Is BSD paying attention to this and all the other projects moving forward in Buildingame? Does anyone know of a portable classroom company I can buy stock in? Let's all keep these hulking monsters in mind when we are told to skip a few showers and stop watering our lawns. I choose not to participate in the Collective Amnesia. Here's a rendering of the proposed building that some seem to think is Eichler-esque.
Thank you for the details....wow! It just keeps getting bigger and bigger (not better and better). Given that all the infrastructure issues you point out are being completely ignored, the impact on current residents is being completely ignored, and the some reasons behind the push for growth are now cloudy (work from home, negative population growth impacts), I am now at a point where I believe the following (my opinion only). First, "Affordable" is not affordable in the true sense. It just sounds nice as a selling point for more projects. Second, The construction/housing industry/unions are VERY influencial in Sacto...to the point where our leaders ignore the other infrastructure issues. Maybe I am the last person to realize this, but here I am. BTW, how about that Velvet Turtle (for us oldtimers) monolith....oh my
Posted by: East Side Pride | April 06, 2022 at 07:44 AM
“Eichler-esque”? I guess I can see that. You build it a lot taller, like 20 stories. Forget the 1,2 and 3 bedroom units and make them all studios, put some tall electric fences and armed guards around it, and you got yourself a damn fine concentration camp for young techies. - Telework Will Set You Free.
Posted by: MBGA | April 07, 2022 at 06:48 PM