I'm not sure there is much more to say about SB9 and SB10 than was said in the May post titled SB 9 and YIMBY Carpetbaggers except to note that Newsom only waited two days post-recall to sign them. You can also go to the Comical's donation tracker and see that the CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (CREPAC) - CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS was Newsom's seventh largest donor for the recall race at $1.5 million. Can you say "For Sale By Owner"?
Design review? Psshawh. Street parking? Nah, everyone will have an e-scooter and take Lyft. Water? Don't get me started. The last line of the Daily Post article says "Many cities have organized against SB9, including Palo Alto, Los Altos and San Carlos." We shall see if any real organized opposition appears. In the meantime, mark Sept. 16th as the day we said "Goodbye single-family zoning".
The democRAT legidlators are cowards and only interested in getting re-elected.
Developers have plenty of money to BUY democRAT legislators and have so far been successful.
Apparently these legislators do not understand the concept of a representative republic. They were elected to represent the voters. The voters overwhelmingly told them to vote no on both SB9 and SB10, yet the lure of money was just too much, which led them to FAIL their constituents.
Posted by: Paloma Ave | September 18, 2021 at 11:54 AM
Good luck trying to outbuild the demand for Bay Area housing. The minute there is a moderation in price demand will go up and erase it. Econ 101.
Posted by: Phinancier | September 18, 2021 at 12:04 PM
SB10 won’t take effect unless the Burlingame City Council enacts it’s provisions for Burlingame, which I don’t see happening. SB9 duplex conversions can only be implemented by an owner who has lived on the premises for 3 years. So I don’t think these measures will impact Burlingame too much. I do think that Burlingame, which was creating plenty of housing, should have been spared these measures. But I am hopeful they will not affect us too much
Posted by: Christopher Cooke | September 20, 2021 at 10:38 AM
This entire exercise is faux. It’s like using the wrong screwdriver, over and over again, and expecting the darn thing to work, even though the screw head has become completely stripped and malformed.
Please, help me here. Has anyone ever known of any housing in a highly desirable area on the planet that miraculously becomes “affordable” because it becomes dense? Think Paris, Tokyo, Munich, New York, San Francisco, for Heaven’s sake…and most of those places took a century or two to evolve into denser environments.
This is a complete farce in all kinds of ways, the worst part is using the "emergency" label to sidestep good policy, and to strip away local control. Shame on them. These bills treat cities and elected like complete ninnies, forcing them to continue chasing their tails just to keep up, so they won’t be sued. I'm guessing there is a whole cottage industry of consultants available to cities for this purpose.
There may be just one way to make things truly “affordable” here (or anywhere nice), and that is to ruin the place.
Posted by: Jennifer Pfaff | September 21, 2021 at 04:41 PM
I wish I could be as confident as Christopher about our city council. It could only take one Socialist to win a seat in the new district based elections and two more who have aspirations to much higher office to push SB10 over the line in Burlingame. I wish it weren't so.
Posted by: Just Sayin' | September 21, 2021 at 05:47 PM
Why do you keep voting for Democrats?
Posted by: Cassandra | September 21, 2021 at 09:00 PM
We need to get away from democrats and republicans.
What we need is people with Common Sense, who will represent what the majority of their constituents want.
This should be possible.
Posted by: Paloma Ave | September 22, 2021 at 12:10 PM
Jennifer Pfaff- GO GIRL!
Thank you for sharing your POV with us.
You JP, are a Bad Ass.
Posted by: [email protected] | September 22, 2021 at 07:49 PM
Assembly member Kevin Mullin will be holding a meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2021 @ 6:00 p.m.
Streamed or Facebook Live
The question I submitted was "Why did you and your fellow assembly members support developers instead of your constituents on SB 9 and SB 10?
You may want to go to the assembly members website and ask any questions you may have.
Posted by: Paloma Ave | October 16, 2021 at 01:38 PM
This Monday night at Oct. 18 at 7pm, the Burlingame City Council will be discussing SB9 and SB10 (Agenda Item 10b)
Phone Dial 1-669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 894 9704 8575
Passcode: 748490
Anyone who'd like to speak on this item should "raise a hand" or send in a comment at:
[email protected]
Posted by: Jennifer Pfaff | October 16, 2021 at 07:21 PM
Just read the sfo run way noise statement. Its absolutely hilarious its no big deal stop complaining
Posted by: Sam Polo Rico | October 30, 2021 at 09:42 AM
Hey Sam Polo Rico - How about posting under the CORRECT article?
Posted by: Paloma Ave | October 30, 2021 at 12:14 PM
In today's Daily Post is an editorial regarding democrat politicians, from assembly through the governor, who have betrayed 2/3rds of the state's voters by approving SB 9 and SB 10.
That is right. Politicians received more feedback on these two bills than any other in recent memory and STILL decided to accept future campaign contributions instead of representing their constituents.
I am awaiting the opportunity to circulate petitions to have these laws overturned. It is time to take action to preserve our single family neighborhoods.
Posted by: Paloma Ave | November 04, 2021 at 09:16 AM
I don't want to make a habit of this, but since it just came into my email.......present local company excluded...for the most part:
Five surgeons from big cities are discussing who make the best patients to operate on.
The first surgeon, from New York, says, "I like to see accountants on my operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered."
The second, from Chicago, responds, "Yeah, but you should try electricians. Everything inside them is color coded."
The third surgeon, from Dallas, says, "No, I really think librarians are the best. Everything inside them is in alphabetical order.
The fourth surgeon, from Los Angeles, chimes in: "You know, I like construction workers. Those guys always understand when you have a few pieces left over."
But the fifth surgeon, from Washington DC, shut them all up when he observed: "You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There's no guts, no heart, no brains, and no spine. Plus, the head and the rear are interchangeable."
Posted by: Joe | November 04, 2021 at 12:58 PM
From today's SF Comicle comes a piece of neo-racist, SB9-loving gibberish:
Despite massive (Ed: note the Comicle inserting an adjective that may or may not be true--we'll never know) opposition from housing advocates, a state commission voted unanimously Friday to recommend San Francisco’s St. Francis Wood neighborhood for historic designation — a move that could allow the wealthy neighborhood to evade state law meant to encourage denser development.
A historic designation would protect St. Francis Wood from SB9, the state housing law that allows for construction of two-unit housing and lot subdivision in areas zoned for single-family homes.
But callers, nearly all of whom opposed the nomination, also pointed to the neighborhood’s racist roots. When it was established in 1912, St. Francis Wood had a clause specifically prohibiting people of “African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent” from owning property in the neighborhood.
“St. Francis Wood neighborhood and SF’s other residence parks in the west of Twin Peaks area have a long and vile history of racism and exclusion and granting this neighborhood protected status would be to celebrate that history and protect it by law,” Robert Fruchtman, a housing advocate and San Francisco resident, said during public comment. Many callers echoed this argument.
When you have to go back 110 years to archaic documents to make your case against something racially neutral happening today, you are a neo-racist.
Posted by: Joe | April 30, 2022 at 03:05 PM