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August 05, 2021



So who is running the show during suspension? They're back to school in less than two weeks.


I believe, as Day to Day classes go, no one will notice the "3." Frankly, the 3 are supposed to fix problems. Not Create Problems. What a shame...
If Trump can be impeached twice in four years and still remain President of the US, this suspension of the 3 is "small potatoes."
I bet Dollars to Donuts the 3 voted for Trump.

Paloma Ave

Pay up Holyroller - Teachers ALWAYS vote democrat!

Bruce Dickinson

If there's any takeaway from the whole SMUHSD debacle (other than the obvious problems with governance) is that due to KRN and a few other astute observers, the shenanigans of what happened at BHS and the District was exposed very early on and reported on the very pages of the BV!

The local news media was totally lagging the reporting here on the BV and we all got early peeks into what was really going on (e.g. Yim-Gate, etc). Congrats to Joe and Russ for not only having a "fully legal" BV, but one that continues to be highly relevant with the most original sources one could hope for!

Let's just say for a busy guy like Bruce Dickinson, I don't have time to putter around wasting time reading a bunch of nonsense. When I put the time and effort into reading and replying to a publication, you know it says a lot!


A much better question than holyroller's nonsense is Where is the teachers' union in all of this? You would think they would have Patricia Petersen's back. Where are the picket lines? Where are the robocalls to parents? Where are the threats to not show up for work? Wazzup?

Murphy's Law- What can go wrong- will go wrong

The suspensions of Skelly, Black and Principal Dusznski are not related to the teacher's union. On the contrary, these unprecedented administrator suspensions come from an independent investigation by the State of California’s Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

All administrators must hold and keep current a teaching license. The CTC Educator Misconduct Committee takes action ONLY after receiving a signed affidavit reporting personal knowledge of wrongdoing or unethical behavior by a person holding a teaching credential.

Therefore, the credential suspension of the administrators are separate and independent of the Mills teacher’s lawsuit against the district. In this situation, the legal case is also not related to the union as Petersen is personally suing the district.

The independence of these actions make President Griffin’s comments even more egregious as the CTC conducted intensive investigation, interviewing a very large number of teachers at Mills High School BEFORE coming to Skelly, Black and Dusznski for a response.

The actions against Teacher Petersen took place AFTER the school shutdown. The issue in the spotlight, meeting student at a park, is a non-issue. Internal emails at the time from administration actual praise the teacher for reaching out and helping a student in need. The student herself stated support for Petersen. Therefore, why did the site and district administration go after Petersen for a non-issue? As reported Petersen, filed complaints, and made reports regarding extreme negligence and extremely unsafe situations at the Mills campus.

The environments on some of the sites is toxic. Behind closed doors, Skelly is losing the support of his principals because they are tired of his “folksy” BS instead of actually leading.

Site administrators are also fearful of losing THEIR jobs if they don’t toe the line and kiss the ring.

Teachers at Mills High School are risking their jobs to take a stand and support Petersen. The retaliation against “those who stand with the Whistleblowers” is real and scary for teachers who fear losing their jobs, It is reported that many Mills teachers are FED UP, leaving the school for other openings, and reporting the presentation of false information on school evaluations.

The actions against Petersen were retaliation for being a Whistleblower.

The Mills incident was a big nothingburger. Dr. Black got his ego in a bunch and thought he would easily “take out” Petersen. He was wrong and now HE may lose his job.

Instead, The SMUHSD administration is now spending thousands of dollars in legal and investigation expenses to defend the negligence of its administration.

What is even more ironic is that NOW Superintendent Skelly, Deputy Superintendent Black and a small cast of characters from BHS are in the CTC spotlight as well. (Investigation #2)

There are a few teachers at BHS who are exceptionally concerned about what is happening right now and will their names and action's be made public.

It is Black’s stupidity that has place their negligent actions into center stage and the focus on an investigation by the Educator Misconduct Committee.

Board President Griffin’s ignorant statement about the CTC investigation in an attempt to defend the negligence of Skelly and Black will make the fallout from the SECOND Investigation even more spectacular.

A certain teacher who enjoys cyberstalking students may become a local or national celebrity for her actions and lies.

Principal Yim ran off to Las Vegas with the former Director of Technology from the SMUHSD. Nonetheless, Yim’s credential will also be suspended or revoked meaning that she cannot work in Nevada or any other state.

If there is blame to be assigned, it should land right on the shoulders of Deputy Superintendent Black and Superintendent Skelly. If it were not for Black’s aggressive and unnecessary acts of retaliation, these BHS teaches would be never be noticed.

Sit back and relax, this is just getting started.

Skelly's $330k contract extension to 2024! -Board Agenda 8/12- Ethics?

Why would an elected Board approve a contract extension to a Superintendent already found guilty of misconduct? (Twice). The current deflection of moving this to the AG's office is bluff to buy time.

Skelly and Black offered the Mill's teacher a BIG financial payout (bribe) to drop the CTC case prior to the CTC's initial findings. She refused the money and they got convicted and then their appeal was rejected.

That payout would only create personal benefit to Skelly, Black, and Duszynski and nothing for the district. (Its nice to play with other people's money!)

Deputy Superintendent Black tricked the Board into approving his contract and that of the Mills Principal without allowing comment by refusing to post the contracts online (standard past practice) and they burying the contracts into the group of 39 administrator contracts that were read into the record.

The Board had no idea which contracts would be included in the "batch" reading.

There is no ethics in any of these actions by these well paid leaders.

This Employment Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into by the Governing Board of the San Mateo Union High School District ("District" or "Board") and Kevin Skelly ("Superintendent").

1. Term. District hereby employs Superintendent for a period beginning on July 1, 2021 and terminating on June 30, 2024 unless terminated earlier or extended as provided by the terms of this Agreement or as required by law.

2. Salary.
a. Base Salary. For the 2021-2022 school year, Superintendent shall be paid (Three Hundred Twenty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight Dollars ($328,848.) for 224 days of service.

6. Termination of Agreement.

(4) misconduct or dishonest behavior with regard to the Superintendent's employment;

Superintendent's Contract Extension.
Item N2


The FACTS regarding Skelly and Black are well known and documented, yet the Board is ignorant.

Board President Griffin-

“Each of these administrators have exemplary records of service,” Griffin said. “The committee has acted irresponsibly and without regard to the facts, the law or the public interest in its decision.”

Ironic that Griffin calls out the CTC investigators.

The only irresponsible party here is the Board who enjoys the free healthcare yet ignores store while it is getting robbed.

Skelly and Black don't pay for their own legal defense and they have nothing to lose.

KRN -Trustee Griffin doesn't read email-forwards emails to Skelly-

Board Member Robert Griffin does not receive or read constituent email. He directly forwards it to Superintendent Kevin Skelly-

The following is what bounced back when I write to my elected official Board President Robert Griffin.

Address not found

Your message wasn't delivered to [email protected] because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.

I sent the message to the entire Board and got the response. I next sent each member a separate message and sure enough- President Griffin.

This has been going on for years.

The response message is interesting. I didn't send anything to Superintendent Kevin Skelly. In fact, it was a complaint about Skelly to the Board so that THEY could take action.

The email that is returned to me is telling me that MY message has not gone through... to Kevin Skelly.

Maybe if Trustee Griffin would read his emails, he would have the facts about what has transpired in the SMUHSD.

Board President Robert Griffin is out of touch with many current issues and disciplining his "friends" Skelly and Black is one of them.

The SMUHSD is like an iceberg and right now the public can only see what is above the water.

I will take credit for the SMUHSD issuing the Board @smuhsd.org email contacts. I filed a Public Record Request for communications between the Administration and the Board. At the time, the Board members were all using their personal email contacts... and did not want their personal accounts search. The switch to @smuhsd.org was made... but the Public Records were NEVER disclosed.

Superintendent Skelly is scheduled to get a contract extension to 2024 and a raise this year to (Three Hundred Twenty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight Dollars ($328,848.) for 224 days of service.

Superintendent's Contract Extension.
Item N2


Maybe the Public Record Requests should be produced and the CTC Disciplinary Actions are cleared before any contracts are signed and approved.

I too am a taxpayer and I want my money to be used in an honest and ethical that is responsive to public disclosure.

You can let the Board know your feelings at the following email contacts, owned by the taxpayers.

That sloppy sound you hear in the background, that is the S&*T hitting the fan.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


I was thinking of writing the board members -- went to the SMUHSD site and went to the board members page. NONE of email address links are live! I thought maybe it was a browser issue, so I tried another browser -- again, nothing doing. They are formatted blue like links (except for [email protected]; hers doesn't have any formatting) but when you hover over them, you don't see the 'mailto:' and when you click on them, nothing happens.
So I went to inspect the page source and I see the trustees' addresses aren't coded correctly.
Either somebody doesn't know what they are doing or somebody is deliberately trying to make it difficult to contact the trustees.


I found it odd when I went to send an email a couple months ago. No active individual email links available only a general email address for the entire board. I found it doubly odd that I never received a single acknowledgment— one would think elected officials would want to acknowledge their constituents. Every single elected official I’ve ever communicated with has taken the time to respond to public comment. Makes sense now.


Guess we need to send letters by certified mail with return receipt service -- though that will only show the letters arrived at the office, not that anyone actually read them. Shaking my head...

A Black mark on History-Skelly's Ignorance is going to cost him his job- and his career accomplishments

SMUHSD Board of Trustees-

What are you going to do when….

The CTC Educator Misconduct Committee comes down with the SECOND set of credential suspension of Superintendent Skelly and Deputy Superintendent Kirk Black?

It is unprecedented that two Superintendents have their credentials suspended, but a SECOND set up suspension will be too much to handle.

Superintendent Skelly claims that going to the California Attorney General’s Office will “exonerate” Skelly and Black. Skelly would make this comment because he has no idea what Black has done behind his back.

The AG’s office has the power to not only expand the investigation, but also hand down more drastic punishments.

Skelly "thinks" he is in trouble because he ordered a teacher (in writing) to change a grade. Skelly has no idea that the CTC has much more evidence than this one incident, and Skelly has no idea that Black has taken advantage of his "folksy" good will.

The SMUHSD Board does not need to wait for the AG’s office or the next set of suspensions from the Education Misconduct Committee.

The SMUHSD can open it own investigation of the current administration. Clean house and maybe... help Skelly save the reputation he does not even understand he is about to lose.

$330 Contract Approved without question-Other People's Money

The Board is united behind Skelly- with one question.

"we have a review period and we have discussed things with Dr. Skelly"

-we have discussed things with Dr. Skelly-

The credential of the superintendent is subject to suspension and there is not a single question from the Board.

Time to look back to Skelly's time in Palo Alto- "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it."


The Arrogance of Ignorance- What the Board doesn't know will come back to hurt us-

Ignorance is Bliss-

The CTC has far more information that what has been provided to the SMUHSD Board by Skelly and Black.

Superintendent Kevin Skelly has always stated that he only needs the approval of Five Board members and no one else.

The SMUHSD Board's New Clothes-

Where does the SMUHSD Board member obtain their information on these incidents? The Board relies upon the information provided by Skelly and Black to inform their decisions.

The SMUHSD Board is now saying that IT knows more about the situation than the state agency created to investigate and punish these types of incidents?

Where would the Board's investigation experience come from?

The Lozano Smith law firm represents the Board and the people, not Skelly and Black.

The Lozano Smith law firm SHOULD be counseling its client, the Board on how to protect the people, RATHER than defending these administrators at tax-payer expense.

A legal relationship that becomes "too cozy" become ineffective.

The Administration has a "firewall" set up and information provided is not true, misleading, or withheld. The Board cannot properly represent the public with their head in the sand.

The SMUHSD continues to suppress Public Record Requests for legitimate information regarding the public actions of these administrators.

A request was made for the SMUHSD to produce the legal expenses dedicated to the case regarding the Mills teacher and the ongoing investigation of these administrators. This is the public's money and they have a right to know how it is being spent.

Trustee Land has stated that conversations have taken place in closes session, yet there there has been no reports out of closed session

" Trustees Greg Land and Lees-Dwyer noted multiple long conversations had already been held in closed session, removing the need for further open discussion. Any criticism of Skelly was given in closed sessions, Land said, calling the process a “respectful way” to provide constructive feedback and declining to share points he may have provided."

“They are good people,” Dwyer said. “I believe none of the three did anything warranted anything the CTC has done.”

Land also shared disapproval for the CTC’s decision and claimed the investigation was “not done well.” Reflecting on the final appeal process, he said, “we have to see where that lands.”


Why the Bribe?- Follow the Money

Why the settlement offer/bribe?

The district trustees state the CTC investigations and conclusion are "unfounded" and "not well done."

If these three administrators did nothing wrong then why was the Mills teacher offered a settlement/bribe to drop the CTC complaint prior to the Commission Hearing where Skelly, Black, and Duszynski were given a chance to respond?

These are individual charges, NOT charges against the SMUHSD. The district is not subjected to any liability or adverse action due to a guilty finding of the actions of these individuals.

Why would innocent individuals use tax-payers money to get a complaint dropped BEFORE they could explain themselves?

The offer to Petersen was for the CTC case ONLY and not the impending legal case.
(Why doesn't the Board know anything about these actions? Were these financial offers made without prior Board consultation or approval?)

The district's normal statement to defend the settling of a case is as follows:

"We settled the case in order to avoid the legal expenses of investigation and litigation."

There are no investigation or legal expenses in a CTC investigation. There is also no litigation, hence the SMUHSD would NOT avoid any expenses by settling the CTC case.

The settlement offer would ONLY benefit Skelly, Black, and Duszynski as individual, the SMUHSD would get no benefit from a settlement deal.

Why would Board members make these comments of innocence while the administrators themselves are covertly trying to cover up what they have done?

What is money in the bank is that the Board Members have no idea what has actually transpired and are betting on the story they have been told to deflect guilt.

The members of the Board have not seen the evidence, so how can they comment? The CTC has the evidence... that is why they came to a conclusion of guilt and a move for suspension.

Trustee Dwyer.
The claims were “unfounded based on my review.”

“I believe none of the three did anything warranted anything the CTC has done.”

Trustee Land the CTC’s decision and investigation was “not done well.”

Did Trustee Land or Trustee Lees Dwyer review the investigation process, as well as the evidence and statements collected by the investigators?

Did they talk to the over 15 staffers who risked their jobs and reputations by going "on the record" to give a statement to support the allegations being investigated by the CTC?

Why no Universal Testing in the high schools?- Its Free-Is it negligent to ignore?

Why does the SMUHSD refuse to implement Universal Testing when it comes at NO COST?

This isn’t about closing the schools, but rather how to keep them open without disturbing instruction.
The Delta Virus has increased its breakthrough capacity, putting larger groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals at risk.
Common Sense precautions are needed to keep people safe and the schools open.
“With the amount of Covid circulating in our community, we are going to have positive COVID cases. Many of you have already gotten notifications of positive cases at your schools.” Superintendent Skelly
The statement above reflects the fact that the SMUHSD knows and expects positive COVID cases in the high schools. This also means that there is a strong possibility of a need to shut down the schools or send groups of students to quarantine if an outbreak is not detected in time.
In order to best protect students and families, the SMUHSD should implement a universal testing program of all students and staff.
There is no cost to implement a universal testing as the state is paying for all tests. A universal testing program would inform district official immediately if there is a need to quarantine a student, a class, or a team.
The SMUHSD believes that just testing the unvaccinated teachers and students is enough?
The SMUHSD continues to balk at the Universal testing option without stating a reason.
The second issue regarding COVID and schools is the impending Fire Season
The air quality is about to become unbearable. The schools are able to operate because of open windows, doors, and a functional air filtration system. Unhealthy air quality will prevent students from going outside, only to be locked down inside a room of 35 students without windows or doors to be open.
Once again, universal testing will be needed to monitor these upcoming challenges. The faulty HVAC systems in the schools cannot be relied upon to function during the fire season as circulating toxic air into the classrooms will not provide a healthy environment.
A recent study from Harvard’s School of Public health (linked) states that “Together, the wildfires and COVID-19 make us even sicker.”
The SMUHSD can no longer sit back an respond to issues after they manifest. They need to plan for problems they know have a strong probability to manifest in the near future.
The fact that they refuse to implement Universal Testing at no cost to the district draws significant scrutiny as to why they would ignore free COVID testing, one of the most efficient ways to curb an outbreak.

The air quality is about to become unbearable. The schools are able to operate because of open windows, doors, and a functional air filtration system. Unhealthy air quality will prevent students from going outside, only to be locked down inside a room of 35 students without windows or doors to be open.

Once again, universal testing will be needed to monitor these upcoming challenges. The faulty HVAC systems in the schools cannot be relied upon to function during the fire season as circulating toxic air into the classrooms will not provide a healthy environment.

A recent study from Harvard’s School of Public health (linked) states that “Together, the wildfires and COVID-19 make us even sicker.”


The SMUHSD can no longer sit back an respond to issues after they manifest. They need to plan for problems they know have a strong probability to manifest in the near future.

The fact that they refuse to implement Universal Testing at no cost to the district draws significant scrutiny as to why they would ignore free COVID testing, one of the most efficient ways to curb an outbreak.


Similar to what I'm dealing with at my workplace. Our HVAC is crap, as we know from the bad smoke in fall 2019. And we have no windows (building is basically a concrete bunker). We are asking for air purifiers because of the smoke and covid -- showed the Harvard study to our operations manager, who said no because of the cost and concern about overloading electrical circuits. I'm gonna bring one anyway.

Delta Surge Expected- High Schools as super spreaders?

Will the High Schools become super-spreaders?

The schools can only stay open when COVID is under control.

A view inside the high schools at lunch break looks like a crowded day at Great America. High School Principals have voiced concern, only to receive silence in return.

Beating Delta needs anticipation, not reaction.

The buildings and classrooms are off limits at lunch so the students will eat outside where masking is optional.

The current limited outdoor spaces cannot handle the 40 minute mosh-pit of students who have spent the last 1.5 years not seeing or touching each other.

The District Leadership sits in their Ivory Tower (literally) leering down at a Bevy of Beauties while the rank and file continue to be exposed.

After school events, sporting events, and crowds are also coming.

Vaccines should not make us ignorant to what is needed to ensure the schools stay open.

The schools can only stay open when COVID is under control. The Board need to implement Universal Testing to ensure the students and families that the sites are safe.

There needs to be 100% transparency between the Administration and the Board. The absence of this free and honest flow of information is the root of the current problems.

If the administration is holding back on testing due to a fear of liability, then they should be charged with negligence. They are the stewards of our children and need to take the proper and essential precautions to ensure the schools stay open.

Dr. Curtis Chan, the county’s Deputy Health Officer expects spikes in Delta. Chan estimated the surge would continue for another six weeks with hopes that high infection rates would subside by Halloween.



High School kids are super Spreaders... check this out

"It is the second full week of classes in the Rocklin Unified School District and there are more than 400 students showing symptoms of the coronavirus. "
"The school district is recommending that students and staff get tested if they’re showing symptoms. They aren’t, however, requiring testing, which is another point of concern for parents.
According to the district, 403 students are showing symptoms and 50 have tested positive for COVID-19 as of Monday."


Jose Iglesias

Sorry Andy W, but context means everything and your comments and the article is completely out of context. The simple FACT is that the parents and the students are largely unvaccinated. OOPS. Facts matter.

Rocklin's COVID Dashboard- At least THEY are transparent

No Way Jose---Inglesias

Maybe you haven’t heard the DELTA doesn’t discriminate and will attach those with vaccinations as well.

Say it ain’t so- Joe- The rate of vaccination for Rocklin was not listed in the article… which would make the 419 students and staff reporting symptoms EVEN WORSE and would place any vaccinated student in greater danger.

Just ask the BHS Panthers how their football scrimmage against Carlmont got cancelled last Friday? “Carlmont had to cancel a day before the Scots planned to scrimmage Burlingame because of a positive, breakthrough COVID case of a member of the program who had been vaccinated.”

But the Carlmont player was vaccinated? How did that happen? That is why its called “Breakthrough”

The Sequoia High School District requires a 100% negative test from every player on the team before they can get back on the field. The entire team missed a scrimmage and could not return to the field for practice until Wednesday.

The Rocklin School District DOES offer transparency in the form of a COVID-19 Dashboard with updates on the weekly infection and quarantine rate. (Link Below)

A 100% vaccinated population is a good thing, but there are still holes in the condemn and someone is going to have to do some explaining when things go bad.

Rocklin Dashboard

Maybe Universal Testing of ALL Rocklin students would help to identify the WHERE the virus currently rests and where it is going.

100% Vaccination comes at no cost to the local districts.

Can anyone offer a reason why the SMUHSD leadership would not promote the BEST practices to keep our children SAFE and in school by mandating universal testing?

Where is the SMUHSD’s Covid Dashboard located?


Seriously, what is wrong with people?
Gavin Newsome vs. Katlin Jenner?
California has the 5th largest economy in the World. Do you think Katlin or the "Crazy Black Guy" should take care of the Best State in the Union?
This recall is the most ridiculous, well, "Top Ten" stupid Political Events in California Politics ever.
Gavin Newsome has the experience, the connections, to make California more than the best place in the World to live.
Education, Cultural Diversity, Illegal Immigration Fires, Drought, COVID, China, Homeless People, last but not least the Shitheads that are compelled to interfere with every "Good Thing" available because of "Their Right to Freedom."
I call BS.
More and More, US people only care about their own personal cause. No matter who or what may suffer.
No wonder Firearm Sales in California are so high.
What is wrong with People?


Really? You must be a complete idiot to think Silver Spoonsom has the experience, the connections, to make California more than the best place in the World to live.

Paloma Ave

Hollybuffoon - Thanks for saying what the rest of us are thinking.

Its a COVID secret- we don't have to tell you where it is!

We don't have to tell you where the COVID is...

“When you have as much COVID as we have in our community as we have now, you’re going to have cases at schools”. Sup. Kevin Skelly

- But we still not going to mandate Universal Testing because then the public would know JUST HOW MUCH COVID is in the schools.

The SMUHSD has 19 positive COVID cases, but the public does not know where. Students, parents, and employees have a right to be informed of the safety of their campus.

SM Daily Journal-
A similar number of COVID-19 cases have been identified in the San Mateo Union High School District with four staff members and nine students testing positive so far, district spokesperson Laura Chalkley said in an email. While each of the 13 people are in isolation, only six other students are in modified quarantine, she added.

District Superintendent Kevin Skelly noted that high school districts may experience campus infections differently than districts with younger students given that all high school students are eligible for vaccines. About 87% of SMUHSD students and 97% of teachers have been vaccinated, Chalkley said.

Skelly said the district anticipated that infections would occur during the school year, particularly as the virus surges regionally. Still, he assured the public that safety and education remain achievable priorities.

“When you have as much COVID as we have in our community as we have now, you’re going to have cases at schools and we think we can manage those cases and continue to provide really high quality education to kids,” Skelly said.

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