Anyone have a relative who is constantly asking for a "little loan" but drives a nicer car than you do? I don't--except for my state Assembly, Senate and Governor. Wildfires are a long-term problem in the state that have been ignored by our electeds for years--maybe decades. It's easier to blame PG&E and the Feds than to do anything about it.
You might ask "why should we B'gamers care?" I can think of two reasons. First, with 20 of my neighboring Tahoe homeowners, I spent the morning clearing brush, pine needles and dead wood from the area around our Tahoe homes. 20 of us filled a 15 yard and a 5 yard dumpster in a couple hours and there is more to be done. We cleared a space about the size of a single B'game lot--maybe two. While we were cutting and raking it all up, my thoughts were on Mills Canyon and the vast expanses of Hillsborough that look like a fiery disaster-in-waiting. It's easy to think about the Oakland Hills or Sonoma and say "it won't happen here" but don't bet on it.
The second reason to care is the grifters from Sacramento are dipping into in our pockets again. The state has a $75 Billion, with a "B" surplus this year and another $25 Billion with a "B" injection from the Feds for "Covid relief", but get this; as reported in today's Comicle--the grifters are pushing
Among the bills being advocated by the fire-focused senators is SB45, which would place a $5.6 billion bond before voters next year.
Really? None of these geniuses can figure out that sending "tax rebate" money to Californians who didn't pay any state taxes in the first place while mortgaging the state's future with new bonds that we could easily finance now just out of current "surpluses" is a bad proposition? Really?
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