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May 15, 2021



Social agreement. What is that? People coin these new phrases and imbue them with meaning that everyone else is expected to understand. How about be courteous if someone is/isn't masked up?

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

Here are the numbers for this really quiet week Covid-wise:

81.4% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 4% from last week.

Total Cases: 41,999 (+90 in the County)

Positivity: .6% (down another tenth)

Burlingame Cases: 1,248 (4 new positives in B'game this week).

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

Here's the Saturday morning update for May 29th:

83.3% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up only 1.9% from last week.

Total Cases: 42,069 (+70 in the County)

Positivity: .6% (the same)

Burlingame Cases: 1,249 (ONE new positive in B'game this week).

Looking good!


$50 dollar gift cards or supermarket debit cards coming for getting vaxed courtesy of Newsom. And a big "lottery". Who says facing a recall is a waste of taxpayer money? https://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/California-s-vaccine-jackpot-116-5-million-in-16208445.php

Peter Garrison

Nothing changes: Recent Pompeii exhibit at the Legion of Honor shows a fresco of a politician giving away free bread to the voters.

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

Here's the weekend update showing slow progress on vaxing, but even slower growth of positives:

83.9% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up only 0.6% from last week.

Total Cases: 42,106 (+37 in the County for the week)

Positivity: .5% (down a tenth)

Burlingame Cases: 1,248 (magically we had one case disappear this week-- down by 1 from last week!).

Perhaps it is time to start recapturing some parking spaces in the two commercial districts?


The weekend update is still very good news:

85.4% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 1.5% from last week.

Total Cases: 42,214 (+108 in the County for the week)

Positivity: .5% (stable)

Burlingame Cases: 1,250 (2 new positives this week).

Now that the County Fair is open, the County is using it as a carrot:

Any San Mateo County resident 12+ who gets vaccinated at the County Fair will receive:

Free admission for that individual and anyone 11 or under in that individual’s household plus a $20 voucher for food at the County Fair and four ride tickets.

Gavinius Caesar

I, Gavinius Caesar, hereby declare the empire to be mostly open. My subjects are to prepare for bread and circuses starting with a lottery for many coins of the realm. My gladiators shall tease the bear before killing him and my subjects shall applaud.


The library is open!

Not really.

2-4 pm Monday-Friday.
12-4 Saturday.
Closed Sunday.

Think of the reasons for this:

People prefer to read during their siestas.
Church Law forbids reading on Sunday.
The virus is afraid of the post-meridian sunlight.
Librarians’ eyes have atrophied in 15 months of the shutdown.
Paper cut injuries occur mostly in the morning and evening.
There’s a supply-line shortage of info at the Information Desk.



M-F 2-6 pm
Sat. 12-4 pm


Yesterday was special because I went grocery shopping without a mask. It was about 50/50 on masks as people get used to the idea. The produce section smelled...like produce! The weekend update is still very good news:

86.7% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 1.3% from last week.

Total Cases: 42,293 (+79 in the County for the week)

Positivity: .7% (up .2% but such a small number of tests taking place)

Burlingame Cases: 1,249 (another week when the count goes DOWN by 1).

The SF Comicle dedicated a front page piece to the mask-no mask question in grocery stores. The found 63-3 masked at Rainbow Grocery, 26-1 at Rocky's Market, 119-17 at Trader Joe's in San Rafael, and 65 masked to 9 unmasked at Draeger's in San Mateo.

The state portal to get a digital copy of your vax info is https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

Business was booming last night on the Avenew. Restaurant seating was full, the Apple Store was busy and the decoy police car was out front. Kids were being kids. Expect complaints about the lack of parking to start soon. Here are the numbers for the week:

87.5% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 0.8% from last week, so slowing down.

Total Cases: 42,386 (+93 in the County for the week)

Positivity: .7% (same as last week)

Burlingame Cases: 1,254 (that would imply 4 new cases this week, but the numbers are sketchy when they go DOWN week-to-week. The County site says 10 new positives in town in the last 30 days).

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

It was another quiet week on the Covid front as the news trumpets the threat of the delta variant. If it is a real threat at our current levels of vax, it will take a few more weeks to show up in the numbers. For the weekend update we have:

88.2% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 0.7% from last week, so slowing down again.

Total Cases: 42,509 (+123 in the County for the week; 30 more new cases than last week)

Positivity: .8% (up a tenth)

Burlingame Cases: 1,256 (up 2 from last week)

So quietly stable week over week. The maskless percentages in grocery stores is rising. Seemed like more than half yesterday.


Went to the library.
Masks required to “protect the children.”
Makes no sense if you are fully vaccinated.
Can’t give it to them.
They can’t give it to you.
Barely anyone there anyway.
We’ve been trained to read at home.


The Sheeple will take at least a month to stop rebreathing their own CO2.

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

Another quiet week on the Covid front. The Delta variant is here but it really hasn't affected the numbers yet. The slight uptick in Countywide cases could easily be a function of the reopening. The weekend update is

88.8% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 0.6% from last week, so slowing down again.

Total Cases: 42,714 (+205 in the County for the week; 82 more new cases than last week)

Positivity: .8% (the same)

Burlingame Cases: 1,257 (up just 1 from last week. Cases in the last 30 days: 10)

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

We are seeing the slight uptick that has been predicted from the delta variant including in B'game. Here's how the week went:

89.4% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 0.6% again from last week, same increase two weeks in a row.

Total Cases: 43,068 (+354 in the County for the week; 149 more new cases than last week)

Positivity: 1.7% (more than double last week)

Burlingame Cases: 1,272 (up 15 from last week. Cases in the last 30 days: 22 which doesn't quite jibe with the totals, but a definite uptick)

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

We are seeing the uptick that has been predicted from the delta variant including in B'game. Several metrics have doubled even though the positivity rate is the same as last week. Here's how the week went:

90.1% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 0.7% from last week, about the same increase three weeks in a row.

Total Cases: 43,676 (+608 in the County for the week almost double last week's increase)

Positivity: 1.7% (the same as last week!)

Burlingame Cases: 1,303 (up 31 from last week--double the week before. Cases in the last 30 days: 45)

With 90% of the County over 16 vaxxed and some of the remaining 10% probably already had Covid, the pool of new cases should dry up unless "breakthrough" cases (people who have been vaxxed and still get it) becomes someone frequent.

Paloma Ave

How about this?

Anyone was has been eligible for Covid 19 vaccination, who hasn't received it, does not get treated if they come down with it?

What are your thoughts?


Sounds like a plan. There are a couple of circumstances to be considered like the interaction with their other meds. But the idea is good.

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.....here is the weekend update

90.7% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 0.6% from last week, about the same increase four weeks in a row.

Total Cases: 44,430 (+754 in the County for the week up 25% from last week's increase)

Positivity: 2.5% (up a lot)

Burlingame Cases: 1,322 (up 19 from last week--so a slower rise but still much higher than the 1, 2 or 3 per week we were seeing. Cases in the last 30 days: 61)

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

The uptick has arrived as have the masks indoors. The main thing we need and do not get yet from the County is how many cases are breakthroughs.....here is the weekend update

91.4% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up 0.7% from last week, about the same increase five weeks in a row.

Total Cases: 45316 (+886 in the County for the week up 18% from last week's increase)

Positivity: 3.2% (up .7%)

Burlingame Cases: 1,371 (up 49 from last week--so picking up noticeably. Cases in the last 30 days: 103)

Joe - Weekend Update on the Numbers

I was more curious than usual to see how this week went, but for all of the blaring headlines, the numbers aren't much different than the last few weeks.....here is the weekend update (Update: I had forgotten to save two figures this week, they are now updated from the prior week).

92.1% of the County over age 16 is vaccinated up another 0.7% from last week, about the same rise six weeks in a row. Slow but sure.

Total Cases: 46,231 (+915 in the County for the week which is about the same as last week)

Positivity: 3.5% (up .3%)

Burlingame Cases: 1,408 (up 37 from last week--so a slight slowdown. Cases in the last 30 days: 126)

I spoke to an old friend who lives in the U.K. this week and was a breakthrough case after dining at a new, crowded, smallish restaurant seated at the bar. He had a rough ride and won't do that again. Word to the wise.


From Calmatters.org today:

Timing is everything.

It’s an adage that Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration appears to have taken to heart as recall ballots land in millions of mailboxes. The state Department of Public Health announced Wednesday that, starting Sept. 20, people attending indoor events with 1,000 or more guests must provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test from within the prior 72 hours. (A similar rule had previously applied only to indoor events with 5,000 or more attendees.) That means the new policy won’t go into effect until six days after the Sept. 14 recall election — and it’s slated to end less than two months later, on Nov. 1.

The timeline suggests that Newsom may be trying to thread the needle as voters contemplate whether to keep him in office. Announcing a new public health mandate allows Newsom to draw a sharper contrast between his coronavirus policies and those of his prominent Republican challengers, who say they would reverse school mask rules and end vaccine mandates for health care employees and state workers. But, by not actually implementing the policy until after the election, Newsom may be able to avoid potential backlash from frustrated voters and businesses.


So slick.
He’s got to go.

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