We may be way behind on rainfall and we are not going to "catch up" this year, but the trees got enough to do well so far. We will see stress later in the Summer and Fall, but for now the Spring bloom was excellent in B'game. The lovely white street trees that took the Spring honors last year did well again, but I have to give the prize to the non-bearing cherry trees that some of my neighbors were smart enough to plant years ago. I haven't seen any on the public median strip, but the ones on private property have been spectacular. Like this one
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Kudos to the City of Burlingame Tree Workers. My interactions with the City Tree Workers have always been informative, and "business like."
Thank you City of Burlingame Elders for supporting the Beautification of Burlingame.
Those guys work very hard.
Posted by: [email protected] | April 13, 2021 at 04:28 PM