I’m coming around to the idea that there may well be some racists in Burlingame and elsewhere on the Peninsula. I know it’s hard to believe. But when you see people judging other people’s motivations, actions or, in the case of city council members, their votes; based on the color of their skin it is hard to avoid the conclusion that they are racists. This is not the commonly held view of what it is to be a racist. But when one uses false charges of racism as a cudgel to get one’s way on things that have nothing to do with race one is, well…..a racist. Let’s call them “neo-racists”.
Cue Daily Journal columnist Mark Simon who felt the need to take the B’game city council and particularly the mayor to task for reacting negatively to a comment at a county Asian Pacific Islander Caucus panel discussion:
One of the panelists, Nicole Fernandez, former chair of the county Democratic Party and now district director for state Sen. Josh Becker, noted that district elections had a significant impact on the election of nonwhites to local city councils. Fernandez eagerly anticipated the implementation of district elections in other cities, including Burlingame, which has begun that process, and which she described as one of the “NIMBYest cities” here in god’s country.
Blending charges of racism and NIMBYism is well…. neo-racist. Hearing it from a staffer’s mouth for our own state senator (newly elected to replace Jerry Hill) is not a good sign at the start of Becker’s term. I expect B’game should get an apology from his office for Fernandez' fact-free and neo-racist accusation. Maybe it’s even time for a new district director that isn’t a neo-racist and doesn’t denigrate whole towns in her boss’ district.
In his Daily Journal column, Mark Simon goes on with this confused bit of rhetoric
Of course, the term NIMBY encompasses much more than housing and a lengthy and vigorous debate can be held on the topic of inclusiveness in Burlingame, or any other city in the county.
Really? Do tell. I though NIMBYism was about local development. Regular readers know that I believe Burlingame, the mid-Peninsula and, in fact, the whole core of the Bay Area are already over-built for our current infrastructure. Call me a NIMBY, I don’t care. I haven't exactly been in the majority in town. I am one although I consider the whole core Bay Area as “my backyard” and so should you. With more than 1,000 units of housing in B’game approved and in the works over the last couple of years, I would like B’game to take a breather. Let’s see how this much growth plays out. There are a bunch of good reasons for a pause if anyone cares to look past the end of their nose. But why bring race and “inclusiveness” into the discussion unless one is, well…. a neo-racist busy judging whole towns full of people one doesn’t know by their skin colors?
For the Glass House File: It is easy to toss around the NIMBY label when one lives up in the winding backstreets of Emerald Hills or Farm Hills in Redwood City in a single-family zoned neighborhood on a 9,000 square foot lot like Mark Simon. “NIMBY” comes easily to your keyboard when you live nowhere near where a spec builder is likely to buy the small house next door and jam in a four-plex or two. The people on 5,000 square foot lots in Lyon-Hoag, Burlingame Terrace or Burlingame Village near commercial districts and transit feel very differently and it has nothing to do with race.
Checklist: How to tell if you are this new strain of NEO-RACIST:
--You think single-family residential zoning is racist.
--You think local parcel taxes to fund local schools are racist.
--You think voting for each of your city council members is racist.
--You think “leafy suburb” is a code word for a racist neighborhood.
--Heck, you think “suburb” is code for a racist neighborhood.
Look in the mirror. “Crisis nearly of its own making” indeed.
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