I'm still bothered by state Sen. Scott Weiner's naïve response to a water question he got during his visit to B'game almost two years ago. When asked "where will the water come from to support all the new housing (and people) you are demanding?" his response landed squarely between "I don't know", "We should look at that" and "It's not my concern". Two years have passed--both drought years -- and we are no closer to a state-wide plan than we were then. There's always something "more important" getting in the way and yet the development addicts seem able to press on with their demands.
Here in B'game, the every five-year update to our Urban Water Management Plan is behind schedule. Public works has been swamped (no pun intended) with parklets, paving projects, going green and adding traffic lights and signage. The next update will be the first to comply with a new state mandate that it examine a five-year drought instead of only a three-year episode. That should make for interesting reading when the first draft comes out--hopefully soon.
In the meantime, here we go again according to the Comicle
The state’s monthly snow survey on Tuesday will show only about 60% of average snowpack for this point in the year, the latest indication that water supplies are tightening. With the end of the stormy season approaching, forecasters don’t expect much more buildup of snow, a key component of the statewide supply that provides up to a third of California’s water.
Urban water agencies, meanwhile, are asking customers to think twice about long showers and outdoor watering. The calls for austerity will feel familiar to many Californians who less than five years ago faced mandatory water restrictions during the 2012-2016 drought. More importantly, the northern Sierra’s 8-Station Index, which tracks rain in the region where California gets the bulk of its water, measured only 45% of average precipitation. While March and April could still bring rain, the heart of the wet season is over. Much of the state is now poised to have a top-10 dry year.
As an avid skier, I can recall several Miracle Marches and even an Amazing April or two, but let's face it, the people who are trying to overbuild the Bay Area just don't care. It's time some other leaders stepped in and called for a reset, a review, a plan and compliance.
Update: Yesterday a huge branch fell off a street tree at Vernon and Clarendon hitting the nearby house. The drought is stressing trees throughout the state, so expect more of this until we prioritize trees over condos and offices.
Update: March 24. In today's Comicle: "It would have to be biblical to adjust a water allocation at this point," (Karla) Nemeth (director CDWR) said, referring to the end of the winter season.
Here is at least one guy who appears to get it.
Plans to redevelop an historic union gathering hall into a 120-unit condominium building near the Millbrae train station received support from officials who put it on a path to final approval by the Burlingame City Council.
Commissioner Michael Gaul concurred, but said he would like to see a study of the city’s water supply that he expected would be constrained by the uptick in development throughout Burlingame.
Posted by: Joe | March 02, 2021 at 07:29 PM
Plans afoot to build on Mercy Center property? Chaos ensues...
Posted by: Cassandra | March 03, 2021 at 04:25 PM
I'm sure our astute governor has a plan to collect and/or conserve water in our declining state [that was sarcasm]!
Posted by: Everything's Jake | March 04, 2021 at 08:32 AM
Yes, the high speed rail can carry water from Fresno to all new housing built near rail stations. No need to build pipelines. Just clean green buckets from station to home.
Posted by: MBGA | March 04, 2021 at 11:08 PM
On the topic of SoCal desalinization:
Often the value of a plan or project can best be judged by its opposition. In the case of the proposed Poseidon desalination plant in Huntington Beach, the forces lined up against it are clear indicators that it’s a worthwhile enterprise.
The Sierra Club calls the plant “rather pathetic,” “the most expensive and environmentally damaging way to secure Orange County’s future water supply.”
A research paper co-authored by the Natural Resources Defense Council, the California Coastkeeper Alliance, the California Coast Protection Network, and several other groups says that “given the significant energy, climate, and financial costs of desalination, California should prioritize water conservation, water use efficiency, stormwater capture, wastewater recycling, and renewably powered groundwater desalination.”
In favor of the $1.4 billion plant, almost but not quite unexpectedly, is Gov. Gavin Newsom. Some argue his support is of no worth because the birthday party he attended at a Napa Valley restaurant last fall at the same time he had told Californians to stay home was for a Poseidon lobbyist. (Ed: Who knew???)
Turning ocean brine into clean drinking water is not science fiction. Roughly 60 miles south of Huntington Beach, the Claude “Bud” Lewis desalination plant in Carlsbad has been producing potable water for five years. At a cost of roughly $1 billion, it churns out about 50 million gallons a day, “providing more than 7% of San Diego County’s water,” California journalist Steven Greenhut wrote last year in “Winning the Water Wars.”
It’s just one of 11 desalination plants in the state. Ten more have been planned.
Posted by: Joe | March 05, 2021 at 12:39 PM
Too bad the Lawn Be Gone people do not understand it means Trees Be Gone too.
Posted by: JP | March 06, 2021 at 11:17 AM
One of my Burlingame Voice friends told me that someone died by a tree failure in Burlingame recently. I hope not.
What happened with the "Settlement" regarding the Tree Failure in Washington Park? Someone died there too. Very Sad.
Posted by: [email protected] | March 06, 2021 at 06:24 PM
Three weeks after the original post, the spigot is being tightened by the state. Oroville is at half of "normal" and Shasta is at two-thirds. SFPUC is claiming we have "enough supply to weather a few more dry years". I added the Comicle headline today.
Posted by: Joe | March 24, 2021 at 02:16 PM
I won't bother to add the Front Page Headline in today's Comicle about the drought. Today is the day they measure the "peak snowpack" in the Sierra and the expectation is 60% of normal--second year in a row well below normal. And there is this:
Do you think anyone "beginning the housing discussion in San Mateo" might ask where the water will come from????
Posted by: Joe | April 01, 2021 at 08:19 PM
I take the SF Comicle for the comedy of it all. It's a comedy of errors most of the time. Thursday's edition was another piece of work. On page A5 we got a rehash of all the drought news you have already heard here and elsewhere. We're in a Megadrought that started in 1999. The reservoirs are low. Two-thirds of the West is in drought affecting 74 million people. Etc. Etc. Etc. It sounds serious and there is no solution in sight. Got it.
Then you flip to page A14 and the editorial headline reads "The uphill battle to build housing". More of the same crap the Comicle clowns publish regularly. We have "anemic housing production" which is a "continuing indictment of California housing policy". Assemblyman David Chiu--bound and determined to mess up the whole state instead of doing something about his own disastrous SF district, wants to "cajole housing-averse cities into meeting the state's meticulously formulated but broadly ignored housing goals by tying some funding to their progress". What an idiot. I have a thought about where Chiu can put his Blood Money. When the state goes thirsty, I hope his neighborhood is the thirstiest.
Posted by: Joe | April 11, 2021 at 07:29 PM
And so it starts:
As drought conditions worsen across Northern California, the Marin Municipal Water District is about to become the Bay Area’s first major water agency to make the leap to mandatory water restrictions.
The utility is expected to adopt a plan Tuesday that would require nearly 200,000 residents of southern and central Marin County to limit outdoor watering to one day a week as well as to stop washing their cars, refilling their swimming pools and power-washing their homes, among other things. Offenders could face fines of up to $250.
Posted by: Joe | April 20, 2021 at 06:22 PM
Elect a Republican, stop HSR, build dams.
Posted by: Cassandra | April 20, 2021 at 09:58 PM
Here is a good piece from the California Policy Center that lays out, among other things, the cost of desalinization:
Theoretically, there’s no reason why a suburban water consumer can’t bring their averages down that of an apartment dweller: Stop all outdoor watering and let the plants all die, install low-flow, water sipping appliances inside the house, and voila, you’re down to the magic 55 gallons per day per person or less. But you’re also creating a dust bowl, and living a diminished, micromanaged life. So how much should it cost a household, if they want to consume an acre foot of water per year?
The most expensive but inexhaustible source of fresh water is via desalination. The price to the consumer for desalinated water in California today is about one cent per gallon. That is on the high side, since developers of desalination plants have to withstand decades of regulatory delays and spend hundreds of millions on permits, fees, and litigation. Removing those barriers, along with tapping into new modular designs for desalination plants that do not require as much custom engineering, ought to be able to cut those costs in half.
As it is, however, at a penny per gallon, it would cost a household $3,258 per year, or $271 per month, to consume an acre foot of desalinated water per year. That should be the benchmark.
Keeping this price in mind has useful implications. It means that if local water districts are contemplating punitive rates for people who exceed their consumption targets, those rates should not exceed $.01 per gallon.
Posted by: Joe | May 02, 2021 at 04:30 PM
This is a serious question Casandra.
If you are a Republican voting in the upcoming Recall will you vote for Katlin Jenner or Mary Carey?
California is the Fourth Largest Economy in the World.
Posted by: [email protected] | May 02, 2021 at 09:02 PM
Posted by: Cassandra | May 03, 2021 at 07:41 AM
putin? I have heard some bad things about him. I heard he is against promoting gay lifestyle issues on TV! That's outrageous. But I kind of doubt he would be in favor of releasing 75,000 violent offenders from prison - 20,000 of them with "life" sentences.
Newsom? or Putin?, Newsom? or Putin? I'd pick Vlad any day. or the transgender or the porn star, as long as they aren't a member of the Democrat party. Anything, anyone but the democrats that have destroyed this once great state.
Actually Rick Grennell might be great. Hope he runs.
Posted by: MBGA | May 03, 2021 at 10:06 PM
True. Rick Grenell.
Posted by: Cassandra | May 04, 2021 at 06:34 AM
Let's put 2 and 2 together today, or h2o and h2o:
Gov. Gavin Newsom expanded his drought emergency declaration to 39 more counties Monday, underscoring the rapid deterioration of California’s water supply in recent weeks. About 30% of the state’s population is now covered by the declarations, including the greater Sacramento area and Fresno, Merced and Stanislaus counties in the San Joaquin Valley.
The Sierra is producing “far less inflow into the reservoirs than any modeling would have predicted,” Crowfoot told The Sacramento Bee. “Much of the snowpack has melted into the ground.
Newsom, with huge $38 billion budget surplus, proposes new stimulus checks, more rent relief for Californians
Newsom wants to use more than $8 billion of the windfall to expand on the $600 stimulus checks the state already targeted to millions of Californians this spring, a second round of direct cash payments that the governor said would ultimately reach two-thirds of Californians.
Including additional money that is mandated for K-12 schools and to replenish reserve accounts, Newsom said California has a historic $75.7 billion surplus, tens of billions of dollars larger his original $227.2 billion spending plan. The state is sitting on another $26.6 billion from the latest federal coronavirus relief package in March, with broad authority on how to use it.
He also unveiled a plan Monday to spend $5.1 billion on water infrastructure and drought preparedness.
---------- so---------
WATER gets 1.5% of the flood of money and we are supposed to be impressed......
Posted by: Joe | May 10, 2021 at 03:55 PM
Have De-Salination Plants been considered yet. I know that they are expensive to build and operate however we do live next to the SF Bay and Pacific Ocean.
Posted by: [email protected] | May 11, 2021 at 07:00 AM
Yeah, maybe we can divert a little more of the latest spending for studying desalination.
Posted by: MBGA | May 11, 2021 at 08:20 AM
From the Babylon Bee (About Us):
What is The Babylon Bee?
The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.
The Babylon Bee was created ex nihilo on the eighth day of the creation week, exactly 6,000 years ago. We have been the premier news source through every major world event, from the Tower of Babel and the Exodus to the Reformation and the War of 1812. We focus on just the facts, leaving spin and bias to other news sites like CNN and Fox News.
If you would like to complain about something on our site, take it up with God.
Posted by: HMB | May 11, 2021 at 11:53 AM
That sounds kind of Kooky.
Especially coming from HMB.
Keep 'em "Rolling" HMB
Posted by: [email protected] | May 11, 2021 at 09:33 PM
Holly, everything after the colon is copied and pasted from the Bee. You can look it up.
Posted by: HMB | May 12, 2021 at 12:36 PM
Today we learn that the $5.1 billion for water issues is going to be spread over four years, so forget the 1.5% for water--it's much less. Meanwhile back in Sacramento, Newsom wants to spend an additional $16 billion in this year's budget on the homeless. Anyone smell an EDD-like amount of fraud?
Posted by: Joe | May 12, 2021 at 12:46 PM
The gatekeepers at the SF Comicle let another sensible letter slip through the net today:
There are regular stories about drought in California; we are now in a serious drought. There is also regular reporting on new and and proposed residential and commercial developments. Where is the reporting on the interplay of these two facts of California life? Who is responsible for analyzing these conflicting issues; it seems drought and development cannot be put in the same sentence. In 2015, there was an emergency 25% reduction across the state and we are encouraged to get rid of lawns and pools. Now in the face of additional drought challenges, people may have to look for ways to conserve that may not be obvious. It would seem that linking development to water availability is obvious.
Karen Cliffe, San Francisco
Posted by: Joe | May 19, 2021 at 02:59 PM