We can assign this to the I Told You So file, or the What Did You Expect? file or the Have You Learned Anything From This? file. Today's SF Comicle editorial titled "What's wrong with recycling" in the print edition lists a comedy of errors that can be expanded upon in a number of directions. But first, let's read some excerpts:
Back in 2012, the California Legislature declared it the policy of the state that by 2020, at least 75% of the state’s waste would be reduced, recycled or composted. It was a bold legislative goal that turns out to have been a waste of the paper it was printed on. Since the target was set eight years ago, the state’s annual landfill disposal has grown steadily from about 40 million tons a year to nearly 50 million. The recycling, composting and reduction rate, meanwhile, fell from around 50% to 37%, or about half the rate lawmakers set out to achieve.
One of the heaviest blows to the effort in recent years came from China and other Asian nations that stopped accepting discarded plastic and other materials from wealthy countries such as the United States, much of which was unusable garbage falsely counted for domestic purposes as recycled. (Imagine THAT!) That forces officials to contend with more waste that is unrecyclable in general or at least within California’s borders, where state and local regulations can make it difficult to build and even maintain recycling facilities. (Imagine THAT!)
This is the Chonicle! There's more about plastic bags with recycling triangles on them that aren't recyclable, lithium ion batteries (like Teslas) and propane tanks, but you will have to click through to read the tale of woe. My point is to draw a direct line between the clowns who pass these laws and do nothing to facilitate meeting the goals. Let's ban natural gas in new construction, ban gas powered cars by 2035, build 30 miles of high-cost rail instead of recycling plants in-state to recycle our own stuff, overload the electrical grid so we are at the mercy of adjacent states in a crunch, fine PG&E for not trimming enough trees after the fact and shovel taxpayer money at any number of misguided goals. In the meantime, groups like the Sierra Club line up like lemmings on the approved agenda with no clue that any of it will actually help the environment.
Me? I'd just like to know that my empty detergent bottle was going to be recycled nearby, I will have reliable power, someone is balancing development with the worst case scenario for water availability in our arid state and my taxes aren't being siphoned off by anyone other than prisoners scamming the EDD. What is Newsom's approval rating again?
“We have $1.5 billion in the budget for electric car infrastructure and incentives. We have $575 million going to small businesses. I wonder: Is that the right number?” Wood said, as his Republican colleague James Gallagher, R-Yuba City, nodded his head vigorously behind him.
Newsom’s economic recovery plan includes $575 million in grants for small businesses to help them through the pandemic. Last year, he and lawmakers approved $500 million for the same program, which provides up to $25,000 to struggling businesses.
The plan includes $1.5 billion to help low-income Californians buy zero-emission vehicles and to build infrastructure to support them, including electric charging stations and hydrogen fueling stations.
Posted by: Cash for eClunkers | January 14, 2021 at 04:01 PM
"environmental groups and clean energy advocates" are the stupidest and neediest people on the planet. There I said it.
Per President Biden's climate czar, John Kerry (another democrat), 90% of the world's pollution comes from OTHER COUNTRIES!
If the United States of American were to go to zero emissions, it would NOT MATTER!
Get a life!
Posted by: Paloma Ave | February 11, 2021 at 05:06 PM