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September 18, 2020



What a time trip. I don't mean this move, but the first one off of Burlingame Avenue.


The DJ had similar photos today on the front page, but this letter to the editor from our very own Jennifer Pfaff caught my eye in today's edition. I'll translate it in a way that Jennifer herself would never do: "You don't know what the hell you are talking about, Wackerman".

Thank you for covering the relocation story about the James R. Murphy home, on Douglas. In a letter published on Sept. 15, Bob Wackerman (S.M.) has incorrectly asserted the owner-developer merely “chipped in” to move the home while the taxpayers of Burlingame are left footing the bill. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the developer has paid for the entire move (at considerable cost), as well as costs involved to reconstruct the home at its new location, with a new, period-appropriate addition.

As is frequently the case when relocating historical structures in this era, the structure was carefully documented on site, and then deconstructed in sections to make the move possible across the railroad tracks. If the letter writer is truly interested in the criteria used to determine if this (or any) property rises to the level of historical significance, such information is readily available from the State Office of Historic Preservation. Specifically for this property (1128 Douglas Ave.), one need only search on the web under “James R. Murphy residence” where there are several references available, as well as the official recorded survey (Primary Record) and assessment by Page & Turnbull, Inc.

Jennifer Pfaff

Note: Page & Turnbull are the main consultants the city uses for assessing historical merit. I've found fault with their work in the past, but others in the know are happy with them.


This story is coming to a very pleasant conclusion as the Murphy house is finished and going up for sale. Per the DJ article:

A historic Burlingame house — transported by movers to a new location more than four years ago — has been fully renovated and is prepared for sale.

The Murphy House, as it has been nicknamed, is the former home of James Murphy, who served as an early city stationmaster and later worked as city clerk before his death in 1940. His wife Jessie Murphy served as a park commissioner, helping to develop Burlingame’s identity as “the City of Trees.”
The gem of a quote was buried at the end:

While it might not be the fanciest or most ornamental home, its understated elegance and the principle of historical preservation makes the project worthwhile, (Contractor Willam) Fisher said.

“The ‘worth it,’ I guess, is just saving our heritage,” he said. “This was important to the city of Burlingame. If we start tearing down all these things that meant something, what’s left?”

Click through for the photos:


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