We're nothing if not responsive here at the Voice so when we get a request from a reader we try to accommodate it. Fortunately Paloma Ave.'s request for a post on government censorship at the local level is something we've been thinking about. I feel for city officials trying to maintain media contact, take in requests and comments in a modern fashion and yet having to maintain some on-line decorum. It's not like we haven't had to deal with the same thing here for 17 years. We want vigorous discussion and debate and that comes in many forms and temperatures.
Under the heading of "City Addresses Rumor With Fact" on the City website is the "For the Record" page. Aside from burlingame.org, the City also monitors SeeClickFix via the AccessBurlingame module. That is where Paloma Ave.'s concern about shutting down conversation originated.
Please post a new thread about "Censorship at Access Burlingame". Here is the thread: 1399 Broadway Burlingame
DESCRIPTION We have run into this street creature periodically around town. She can be remarkably obnoxious, asking for money or asking passers-by to purchase alcohol for her (apparently she is not welcomed in many of the stores around Burlingame). She has great command of vulgarity. We've been yelled at.
I'll paste the rest of the comment into a comment on this thread. At issue is the notation from the Police Chief (verified official) shutting down the thread for inappropriate language. The issue of Shirley's behavior on Broadway goes back more than a decade, so perhaps we are working up to a better solution now that it's getting more visibility via social media. I'd hate for it to get to the point where someone gets hurt and we all look in the rear view mirror and ask "Why?"
Here is the full comment from Paloma Av.:
Please post a new thread about "Censorship at Access Burlingame".
Here is the thread:
1399 Broadway Burlingame
We have run into this street creature periodically around town. She can be remarkably obnoxious, asking for money or asking passers-by to purchase alcohol for her (apparently she is not welcomed in many of the stores around Burlingame). She has great command of vulgarity. We've been yelled at. A neighbor mentioned she was exposing herself in front of a neighborhood restaurant the other day. Clearly she needs help, but the citizenry should not be subjected to her abusive behavior. Is there a reason the police tend to "look the other way" ???
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accessBurlingame (Verified Official)
accessBurlingame assigned this issue to City Manager
04/29/2020 · Flag
City Manager (Verified Official)
City Manager assigned this issue to Police Chief
04/29/2020 · Flag
neighbor (Registered User)
She has been arrested more times in Burlingame than any other person. Sometimes twice in one week.
04/29/2020 · Flag
Steve (Registered User)
Your high taxes and genius politics hard at work. There was a time when these street zombies would be placed in a mental institution. Now, they’re celebrated and cultivated like exotic flowers. Who exactly is benefiting from allowing this to happen? Soon, you’ll be dodging human feces and needles on your way to the Apple store, which of course will have been broken into the night before. Good job California!
04/29/2020 · Flag
CLOSED Police Chief (Verified Official)
We are closing this item because it contains inappropriate language. Our Police Department works hard to ensure a safe community for all and to help all homeless individuals access the services they need.
about 6 hours ago · Flag
REOPENED Brainlife (Registered User)
I am still searching, but where is the language you speak of? Did we miss something?
about 5 hours ago · Flag
Brainlife (Registered User)
Oh n by the way she is in front of Supercuts on Broadway harassing a woman as we speak.
about 4 hours ago · Flag
neighbor (Registered User)
Yes, I also want to know what language was inappropriate?
about 3 hours ago · Flag
Brainlife (Registered User)
It probably was before someone had their morning coffee.
about 2 hours ago · Flag
Steve (Registered User)
“Inappropriate language” is a perfect excuse to avoid the issue. You’re not allowed to criticize the “poor” homeless population who are given free reign of our public spaces and even private property without consequence. Theft, vandalism and environmental harm are all permitted so Lang as you don’t have property or any assets. Common sense law and order no longer exist in California as it’s been replaced by “hug-a-thug” policing and virtue signaling claptrap like letting these poor lost souls waste away on our streets. Burlingame is ripe for homeless encampments and I’m surprised they aren’t popping up more often. It’s only a matter of time before there are tents lining the train tracks and mountains trash scattered all over this beautiful town.
about 2 hours ago · Flag
neighbor (Registered User)
Common sense was left behind along time ago. The current motto seems to be "Take the path of least resistance" and be re-active instead of pro-active.
about 1 hour ago · Flag
Posted by: Editor | May 01, 2020 at 01:11 PM
Thanks for posting
Concerning to say the least
Posted by: Barking Dog | May 01, 2020 at 04:06 PM
I believe all the City of Burlingame has to do is request a restraining order against Shirley. What's the Big Deal?
I thought she got help about Ten Years ago and was doing OK. The Burlingame Broadway Boutique owner, I think, helped get Shirley into some program.
Nevertheless, she needs to go.
Posted by: [email protected] | May 01, 2020 at 05:44 PM
7am Saturday Shirley is coughing her brains out and panhandling in front of Peets on Burlingame.
Posted by: spotter | May 02, 2020 at 07:33 AM
Nextdoor is chatting up a storm about Shirley. It has definitely been going on for years.
Posted by: resident | May 03, 2020 at 04:29 PM
without naming names there is a different woman who for the last few months or more seems to get arrested weekly for public intoxication, just an observation from the police crime log
Posted by: Cory | May 04, 2020 at 10:35 AM
I'm just wondering Cory where do you find the names (not asking for hers, just where to find it). I get the daily log but it doesn't have names.
Posted by: resident | May 04, 2020 at 05:11 PM
Burlingame crimegraphics
on the left click on arrests
Posted by: Cory | May 04, 2020 at 05:26 PM
Thank you. This will provide at least 10 minutes a day of shelter distraction.
Posted by: resident | May 04, 2020 at 06:57 PM
This will prove to be very useful. Thank you Cory
Posted by: Mom | May 04, 2020 at 09:10 PM
It looks like she was arrested, yet again, on May 1st.
Posted by: Paloma Ave | May 05, 2020 at 10:08 AM
Oh, it is the same person, interesting they list the first name as Shir, I didn't put the two together.
Posted by: Cory | May 05, 2020 at 02:03 PM
I had heard rumblings that the post about Shirley (which had grown to very large proportions as people weighed in) was removed. I think I just read a post from the guy who originated it saying he had been censored by NextDoor. He's closing his account........
Posted by: Joe | May 09, 2020 at 05:22 PM
Wow and Wow
Posted by: Barking Dog | May 09, 2020 at 11:10 PM
And yet again!
05/18/2020 at 1800
Inc #2005180165
Case #20-1378
459.5(a) PC: Shoplifting - Misd
Age (Computed): 61
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 170
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Posted by: Paloma Ave | May 20, 2020 at 06:29 PM
was arrested again on Sat (two days ago)
06/06/2020 at 2053
300 Block of CALIFORNIA DR
Case #20-1556
647(f) PC: Disord Conduct:alcohol
Age (Computed): 61
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 170
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Posted by: again andagain | June 08, 2020 at 07:09 PM
was arrested again on Friday 6/12
06/12/2020 at 1817
200 Block of LORTON AV
Case #20-1614
314.1 PC: Indecent Exposure
Age (Computed): 61
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 170
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Posted by: again andagain | June 13, 2020 at 04:23 AM
It's almost as if arresting her time and again isn't any kind of a real solution. Maybe the criminal justice system isn't the best way to deal with a person driven by mental illness to disturb the peace.
But maybe next time it will do the trick.
Posted by: Just Visiting | June 13, 2020 at 08:23 AM
The problem is with the judge. The cops are doing their job and the judge or judges are not. How do we get more information on the judges?
Posted by: resident | June 13, 2020 at 11:52 AM
again about 24 hours later
06/13/2020 at 2040
1200 Block of CALIFORNIA DR
Case #20-1623
647(f) PC: Disord Conduct:alcohol
Age (Computed): 61
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 170
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Posted by: againandagain | June 14, 2020 at 07:25 AM
She has been arrested 4 more times in the last 9 days!
Posted by: Paloma Ave | June 14, 2020 at 02:31 PM
06/18/2020 at 2000
1100 Block of BURLINGAME AV
Case #20-1671
647(f) PC: Disord Conduct:alcohol
Age (Computed): 61
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 170
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Posted by: againandagain | June 19, 2020 at 07:06 PM
I bet Shirley is getting her unemployment checks with the 600 buck kicker so she can buy up like never before. UBI unemployed but intoxicated.
Posted by: Growling Tiger | June 20, 2020 at 12:45 PM
06/23/2020 at 1334
200 Block of PRIMROSE RD
Case #20-1723
647(f) PC: Disord Conduct:alcohol
Age (Computed): 61
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 170
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Posted by: Growling Tiger | June 24, 2020 at 12:36 PM
The merry go round is still spinning. I feel sorry for the cops who can't get off
07/03/2020 at 2058
1400 Block of BROADWAY
Case #20-1812
647(f) PC: Disord Conduct:alcohol
Age (Computed): 61
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 170
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Posted by: Growling Tiger | July 05, 2020 at 12:44 PM