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May 09, 2019



Another example of the Libs riding the Gravy Train and making money on the backs hard working Americans.

This plan is 100% BS red tape and is another reason for businesses to relocate to more friendly States.


The Climate Action Plan has been approved by Council. The DJ is reporting:

Among the most notable programs and practices identified in Burlingame’s plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions are implementing a transportation demand management plan for the city, establishing a complete streets network, adopting more efficient construction management policies, becoming more energy efficient and supporting Peninsula Clean Energy.

Adoption of Peninsula Clean Energy, the county’s provider of electricity drawn from renewable sources which does not generate greenhouse gases, will be the most impactful initiative, according to the plan. And by encouraging carpooling, dedicating prime parking spots for electric vehicles, promoting bicycling and other alternative modes of transportation and similar initiatives, officials can help facilitate significant greenhouse gas emission reductions through transportation management programs, according to the plan.


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