I have a running, friendly disagreement with a regular Voice contributor about the need for 8 motorcycle parking spaces right off B'game Ave. Four are next to GAP Kids and four are next to Joe and the Juice. On a big night maybe 3 of the spaces are in use--by motorcycles. But my buddy and I can agree that this weren't no motorcycle parked there this morning. And to top it off, it is a City of San Mateo vehicle! Might be time for a drug test.
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Well the paint is almost gone that says motorcycle parking only. As are the stripes that show it as motorcycle parking. It would really be nice to be able to paint on the curb motorcycle parking only but I’m sure there’s some regulation against this commonsense solution.
Posted by: Peter (Motorcycle Guy) Garrison | September 13, 2018 at 10:12 AM
I live off of Primrose and use that road as my primary method of visiting Burlingame Ave, so I ride by those motorcycle spots several times per week. I seem to have the opposite experience as I see motorcycles parked in those spots just about every time I pass by. Each time I make a note of what's parked there because some day I'd really like to own a motorcycle.
Regardless, removing 8 motorcycle parking spots merely to obtain 2 additional car parking spots strikes me as a dumb move. I'd like to see Burlingame get rid of as many parking spots as possible. People should be walking, biking, and boarding to Burlingame instead of being lazy sacks of meat who require air conditioned metal boxes to go anywhere.
Posted by: Charles Magnuson | September 13, 2018 at 01:52 PM
I'm all for keeping 4 of the slots--nothing worse than one bike taking up a full parking spot. Just never thought we needed 8 and have never, ever seen more than 4 motorcycles parked at once.
You are definitely in the minority on getting rid of parking :-0
Posted by: Joe | September 13, 2018 at 03:54 PM
Hi, Joe. I am with the city of San Mateo. I saw this picture and would like to speak with you about it. Please email me with your contact info.
Posted by: Stephen | September 14, 2018 at 11:36 AM
I'm with Magnuson...more or less. There is no shortage of parking in downtown Burlingame, but many Burlingamers (and others) feel they have some God given right to park right in front of the place they drive to. There is almost always low cost parking available at a public lot within two blocks of where you want to go downtown.
Perhaps a better idea than more parking for cars, is higher parking rates on and close to the Avenue. Want to park on the Ave, pay for it--or have a health reason for needing it. Provide an incentive to people to park at the lots further away, and save more spaces for the seniors and disabled who really need the close-in spots.
Those who argue there isn't enough parking really mean there isn't enough parking really, really close to where they want to go. The single most expensive thing in Burlingame is land, and you want the City to practically give it all away. Curious.
Posted by: Just Visiting | September 14, 2018 at 02:58 PM
Is the more or less because you can't seem to make up your mind? More parking for seniors for more money or less parking? The city should not be giving or trading any land away. That goes for the school district too.
Posted by: resident | September 14, 2018 at 03:14 PM
No more parking. More permitted/senior/disabled parking. Fewer open spaces with higher costs the closer to the Ave. Net zero on the total number of spaces. I don't think its realistic to get rid of lots of parking (Magnuson seems to call for that--that's my "less" than agreement) right now when the residents currently can't manage to walk a block and a half to their destination.
Posted by: Just Visiting | September 14, 2018 at 03:47 PM
How about we address the "Elephant in the Parking Space/Room."
The City of Burlingame, and San Mateo do not need trucks for every need, for every department.
Both Cities have the monies to afford electric vehicles.
Tesla being in our "own back yard" might give us a Deal too.
City of Burlingame and City of San Mateo Department Heads do not need SUV's or trucks because they do not need to haul tools, trailers, or debris.
There will be a problem getting all the Department Heads Ego's into a Green Car. (Most likely the reason this obvious avenue has not been taken.)
Millbrae is a whole different story...
City Manager one day, mowing a lawn or putting out a garbage fire the next, balancing a budget after hours.
Those folks know how to work with what is available.
City of Burlingame, Park &Rec, Street& Sewer, Engineers, and City Manager Department Heads all drive City of Burlingame Vehicles/Truck, or their own personal SUV.
There must be at least 12 City of Burlingame SUV/Trucks only hauling Flesh. Why.
Posted by: [email protected] | September 14, 2018 at 07:36 PM
The City of San Mateo Vehicle photo, parked on Burlingame Ave. may be a catalyst for firing an Employee.
Thereby effecting an entire families livelihood.
Not Cool.
Hopefully we won't start to see photos of City of Burlingame Vehicles parked in San Mateo.
Posted by: [email protected] | September 15, 2018 at 04:40 PM
It takes an Act Of God to fire any civil servant. This will just get them a spanking.
Posted by: hillsider | September 15, 2018 at 07:27 PM
Nothing has changed the Burlingame Voice. Holy is defending the indefensible and Hillsider is calling him on it. Glad you are all well
Posted by: Local Motion | September 15, 2018 at 11:25 PM
Its Holly, Local Lotion.
Go 9ers.
Posted by: [email protected] | September 16, 2018 at 10:28 AM
I think Holly/Holyroller is female.... am I right?
Posted by: Meeeee | September 16, 2018 at 04:52 PM
The space by the Gap is over a metal utility vault. They want motorcycles rather than cars there so in an emergency they can move them out of the way. They’re also less likely to be occupied.
The other space is too small for a regular car stall. Second, there is also that drain they want to keep clear for access. Lastly there’s a benefit to having the shorter motorcycles parked nearside of a crosswalk in giving motorists better vision of pedestrians and vice versa. A truck or van or SUV wouldn’t be as good.
But of course all of this only makes sense if the parking is enforced.
Posted by: BMW | September 16, 2018 at 08:00 PM
Thank you, BMW. I am always grateful when someone with real insight pops in to educate all of us. The pedestrian and driver visibility issue is a big one for me and that alone would get me to stop complaining about the usage of the space. Had not thought about that and appreciate it!
Posted by: Joe | September 16, 2018 at 10:23 PM
We are all lazy and cry like babies if we can't park within thirty yards of our destination. To avoid stress you should Park at a lot and burn the flab off your ass anyway. Don't let anyone hear you whining about this subject because it makes you seem petty and lazy. Parking close is for handicap drivers anyway.
Posted by: Leoung Marty | September 17, 2018 at 12:01 PM