There is a small ray of hope that not all of Olde Burlingame will be lost in the rush to overdevelop our downtown and residential neighborhoods. The Winter edition of the B'game Historical Society newsletter verifies early rumors that the Three Dancing Maidens water fountain that has been "out for repair" will actually return and be placed behind Malouf's. If you aren't a Historical Society member, you should be. I won't try to repeat the lengthy history of the fountain that Joanne Garrison wrote for the newsletter, but I will repeat the credits she mentioned. Fred Shifferle of the Wurlitzer Trust and local realtor Greg Terry and Sam and Gloria Malouf were key to getting this bit of Olde B'game back in one piece. Here is the photo from the newsletter.
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Thank you for posting the link to our Association, Joe, but the link you have is the "old" one. Here is the new:
Posted by: Jennifer | February 05, 2018 at 01:02 PM
Thanks, Jennifer. It might be time to update the URL on the newsletter that I copied to reflect the new address 8^)
Posted by: Joe | February 06, 2018 at 12:02 AM
You are right! Thank yoU!
Posted by: Jennifer | February 06, 2018 at 01:35 PM