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February 11, 2018


Handle Bard

It is quite sad that we can have a new FroYo place every month, but no where to hear a band and have a drink. The little outdoor spot is the saddest of all.


Once again, I think back to the former Garden Center and its adjacent nursery lot--big lost opportunity. No offense to Coldwell Banker, but that spot was begging for a restaurant and beer garden. The music probably wouldn't have bothered anyone, since it is rather far away from ECR and Bellevue residential. These establishments seem to be popping up everywhere, but here, and though our weather may not be as warm and is breezier than SM and southward, space heaters and a few strategically spaced plants and partitions could have made it pleasant year-round.


Totally agree, Jennifer! That would have been amazing and well-located.


Agree...could of been a very cool spot!


Neil Young lives, "down the road" in San Carlos.
Pardon me, business in San Carlos, home in the Redwoods between HWY 1 and HWY 35.
Unfortunately, Mr. Young does not volunteer his time without a "Reward" down the line, which is perfectly appropriate.
Come on Mr. Young help us out when you have the time.


Once went to Karoke night at the old El Torito's in Burlingame.
Will never forget the guy that sang a David Bowie song that was spot on!! He was fantastic!!
How about a musical impersonators gig?

Bruce Dickinson

Guys, are you not getting out much? Even Bruce Dickinson, in my ever-so bourgeois circles, has been to some joints that offer local music, on selected nights. Fiddler's Green in Millbrae, Broadway Grill, the Barrel House, Behan's and of course Barracuda as mentioned above are ones that I know off the top of my head. We're in a suburban neighborhood folks, this isn't supposed to be the Sunset Strip. The Mission District is just a short 20 minute Uber ride from here if you really want to get into nitty-gritty of raw performances!

Yes, yours truly will admit that sitting through some of these local performances isn't exactly the same as my Hollywood scouting days at Whisky A Go-Go, the Troubadour, or the Viper Room, but of course we all know that such places were the very crucible where many Legends were conceived and discovered!


Does Neil need to be rewarded monetarily, Holly? I remember Neil doing decades of concerts for the Bridge School, at least up until last year. I don't think he got anything but donations and publicity for the School out of those concerts. Do you know something I don't know? I'm sorry he gave that up, and wonder what has happened to him as we don't hear much. What a gifted artist he is.


I believe that Mr. Young does not take on "Projects" for Money.
Whenever, I read anything about Mr. Young, I pay attention. He has always had an interesting POV.
"The Bridge Concerts" at Mountain View.. An "Awesome Human Being.
There are most likely thousands of people in "The World" as gifted as Neil Young.

Therefore, BV, CNN,NBC and TMZ,
Things will get better.
They always do.
Coming home from work, beat up, in traffic, try to listen to music.
Let that reward you for you ability to "Fight Life."
Neil Young or not.


Smoke 'em if you got 'em, holy.




Try Google translate for Hollyrollers posts.....


Do any of "you-s" ever:
-Take a BIG Poo and not have to use Toilet Paper?
If you have to think about, you did it.

We are all Human. With a few exceptions...


I laugh at you after every one of your comments.


Thank you.

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