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January 08, 2018



Who will be the lucky winners in this housing Powerball lottery? Where do I buy a ticket or three? Do I have to show ID? Can I stay forever? My, my, such a deal.


If they aren't listening, then they have ear plugs in as I rarely go anywhere lately that I don't hear residents talking about the monstrosities being built in town already and the lack of infrastructure to support this growth. How they are destroying Burlingame and its small time feel and making it another overgrown San Mateo or Millbrae. Unfortunately, the projects you see being built now, are just the beginning. By the time they are done, you won't recognize Burlingame anymore.


Every time I take a right on California Drive from Howard I cringe!!

The huge project being built does not blend in with the surrounding buildings one bit!

Only the beginning!


Monstrosities on the left of us, subsidies on the right of us. And what of us in the middle?


Here we are--almost six years later and the lottery for subsidized housing has begun. From the city e-newsletter:

Village at Burlingame Lottery Registration for Senior Units Now Open Until Filled – Apply Today!

Prospective senior residents (aged 62+) interested in registering for senior units in the Village at Burlingame affordable housing development should register at www.housekeys4.com. If you’d like more information, please visit https://www.housekeys4.com/coming-soon-new-construction-the-villages.

After enrolling with Housekeys, you will need to register for the Village at Burlingame lottery. The deadline to apply has been extended until all open units are filled.
The Village at Burlingame consists of 132 affordable units, comprised of 78 workforce units and 54 senior units, for households earning from below 50% and up to 120% of the Area Median Income.

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