Today's Daily Journal has a guest opinion piece that is simply awesome. I don't know the author, Jon Nadelberg, and never even heard of him, but he nails the perspective of those of us with the long view of development. Here are two excerpts from the column which you really should click through and read in its entirety
But what has gone on in the last 30 years? Like always, lots more people coming here. And the state, along with developers, seem to think that all we have to do is keep building more housing. After all, it’s worked so far. But that’s becoming very unrealistic. More housing does nothing, because more people keep coming in. Further, while we build more housing, we are not building out the necessary infrastructure to support them. You cannot fill a bottomless pit, no matter how much dirt you shovel into it. We do not have a housing crisis. We have a population crisis. People keep flooding in.
and Nadelberg's long view
Then when it is full, and we have 24-hour traffic jams, and the air is filthy and people start moving away because life has become miserable, we will see house prices come down because we’ve destroyed what makes this area desirable. People will no longer wish to live here. This will be the end result of over-building and not caring.
The Bay Area has been a special place for a long time. There are natural aspects to it that don't exist anywhere else and I, for one, am really frustrated with people who want to screw that up!! I'm thrilled when someone articulates our shared concern so well. Thank you, Jon Nadelberg and Jon Mays for running the piece.
His letter nails it. Is anybody listening out there? Just say "no". Thanks, husband, for posting this! We can't build our way out of this housing crisis. Limiting commercial development is the first way to get a handle on this. What do you think, Bruce Dickinson?
Posted by: Cathy Baylock | August 25, 2017 at 05:19 PM
Can't agree more! I've been told by City Officals that next year, Cities won't even have a say in what is built! As long as they follow SACRAMENTO's plan of build high and build more along the Traffic corridor, they can build as cheaply and large as possible. All so that these people can take the non existent mass transit. They are destroying the Bay Area and the article is right on.
Posted by: Laura | August 26, 2017 at 05:50 AM
I agree, a totally vicious cycle that cannot sustain itself. In the end, it costs each city more to sustain more people and services, and in all these years, the region has never gotten around to serious widespread and functional mass transit. The little we have still costs a fortune to operate and maintain.
For all the hoopla surrounding electrification, Caltrain is going to gain just 1/2 train an hour, up to 6 trains instead of 5 1/2 each direction, that's it! And I'm not even sure how many stop in Burlingame anymore. "Transit Oriented Development" is a real farce.
Posted by: Jennifer | August 26, 2017 at 11:15 AM
When I saw Overbuilding Opus I thought it was about the new Broadway overpass. Eight lanes wide! It's basically the same as 101. And it's actually wider than the San Mateo Bridge (only has 6 lanes).
And one light pole every 20'. One overhead light then twin lights in between. Talk about light pollution. Who's paying the bills for all those lights?
Posted by: BMW | August 27, 2017 at 12:10 PM
Today's Merc had two letters to the editor rebutting the stupid idea put forth by a couple of children that we should all be YIMBY's ("Yes In My Backyard"). Here you go:
In the article about the YIMBY movement (Page 1A, Nov. 13), not a word was written about transportation and traffic. The people behind this organization simply don’t understand the frustration of those of us who want to retain some limits on development.
I invite the YIMBYs to take a drive from San Mateo across the San Mateo Bridge and on to Pleasanton any day of the work week from about 2 p.m. onward. Or maybe they would like to try Interstate 880 south toward Fremont. How about the drive from Palo Alto south to Los Gatos? Highway 101 is like a parking lot in both directions along the Peninsula, and yet they support building more housing.
The current situation is not sustainable. It’s past time for companies like Google, Facebook and others to consider expanding to other parts of the United States.
Eryl Aynsley
So now we have “YIMBY” action, lead by naive me generation millennials wanting to turn San Jose into New York City and thinking more development is going to save us.
Their question? “Where is my generation going to live?” My answer? Anywhere but here.
Bay Area tech’s obsession with growing near their corporate headquarters is short-sighted, especially in this day of webinars and the ability to work remotely. Our infrastructure is maxed out, folks. Bill and Dave had the good sense and foresight early on to see the handwriting on the wall and expand HP in other places employees wanted to live. Tech here could take a lesson.
I hereby declare myself president of NABA — Not Anywhere Bay Area. Anyone care to join me?
Barry Hennings
Los Altos
I'm with ya, Barry!!!
Posted by: Joe | November 15, 2017 at 11:39 PM
I'm with you too Barry! Unfortunately, Burlingame is jumping in to the massive development market, hook, line and sinker. Just look at the massive project being proposed and close to being approved at Oak Grove and California. We just fortunately, had a MASSIVE apartment project on the corner of Bayswater and Mrytle sent back to the drawing board but will surely come back. The Howard project is zooming along. The massive, does not fit our town project going up already on California and the old radio shack sight and so many more! Have been told that Brownriggs top priority as Mayor is over turning measure T and all that's come with that. The gridlock on the roads is real. My ten mile commute that use to take a maximum of 20 minutes, now takes 40 to 50 minutes, sometimes 60. If I took our "train and bus system", it would take two hours but perhaps in the near future, two hours may take less time then driving!
Posted by: Laura | November 16, 2017 at 04:57 AM