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June 11, 2017


Cathy Baylock

And here is the link to the print edition of the Burlingame Voice from the 1990's: http://burlingamevoice.typepad.com/the_burlingame_voice/Burlingame-drive-in-drives-out-.html


No matter what is installed out at the "Old Drive-In" it is going to be a GREAT addition to "Our Fair City"-Burlingame.
It would be a very special project to see any photos, or film of the Old Drive In.
Just consider the amount of people that never went to a drive in, or know what a drive in was.
Anyone ever go to a Drive In in the trunk of a car?


Anyone NOT go to a drive in in the trunk of a car?


Ah HA!
There you are.
Welcome back Hillsider.


Ahhh as a child of the 60's and a teenager of the 70's have some fond memories of the Burlingame Drive-In!
Especially the time when our parents took us to see "The Graduate"! Dad flipped out during that famous Mrs. Robinson scene and mom's reaction was "thought it was about a graduation!" Meanwhile we were all glued to the screen!

"Basement" Bernie still has a chance!

As my friend's wife said (whose grandfather was 2nd in command of the communist party in China and whose family owns a couple city blocks in Hong Kong and NYC...),

"No President has done more to help China than President Obama!"

Get it, Communism which is purported to enable all people to be equally wealthy and happy is actually just another way to control and extort the masses while the Elite Billionaire investors build speculative Class A Office buildings in Burlingame, CA.

Oh yeah, and Obama loves him some Communism pipe dreams, while sucking and getting sucked off by China and by mega speaker /payoff fees.


"Basement" Bernie still has a chance!


Holy Cow!
BB should stay in the basement.
I hope his Parents are not paying for his Cable/Internet Bill.
Nevertheless, I like the fact that there is little or no Censorship here at Burlingame Voice.
I bet BB has not changed his bed sheets in at least a year.
Thanks for your comment BB.

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