Friday night was the annual City Council - Commissioners dinner. It is the one time each year that the council and city staff get to thank the various commissioners for their service. These are unpaid positions and can take a sizable amount of time and effort when done properly. One commissioner who has done it right is Leslie McQuaide on the Beautification commission--for 14 years. Among other accomplishments, she has been the driving force behind the community garden that open back in 2013.
Leslie has decided to step down and those will be big gardening shoes to fill. Kudos to Leslie for being a positive force in B'game for so long! Here is Mayor Ricardo Ortiz presenting a certificate of appreciation to her.
Thank you Leslie for all your volunteer hours. You have made Burlingame a better place during your tenure.
Posted by: Becca | March 12, 2017 at 07:42 PM
Thank you Mrs. McQuaide.
Your observation's, and problem solving skills have helped the Park/Public Works Dept. rise to an exceptional level.
I doubt if there is a City on the Peninsula that comes close to the high standards Burlingame City Elders demand of our boutique City.
Thank You Leslie McQuaide.
Posted by: [email protected] | March 13, 2017 at 08:31 PM
'Totally agree with both of the above. Congratulations and thank you, Leslie, for your many years of work and contributions on BC.
Posted by: Jennifer | March 13, 2017 at 09:02 PM
Leslie will surely be missed on this commission. She is truly a tree lover and our city is the beneficiary of her 14 years of dedication. Also the mother of our Community Garden...Many, many thanks!!
Posted by: Cathy Baylock | March 14, 2017 at 03:54 PM
I have lived in Burlingame for 46 years and the trees were a big reason to move here. We are a beautiful and charming City. Thank you to all who take pride in keeping Burlingame so special.
Posted by: Leslie McQuaide | March 14, 2017 at 11:07 PM