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February 22, 2017


Lisa Rogers

My thanks to the city representative who arranged to have that dump cleaned up. It would be great if the south-of-Broadway-portion of Rollins Road was checked at least once a month. Once again, thank you, City of Burlingame, for cleaning up this mess!


How about 7-11 helping with the cleanup of all the litter up against the soundwalls???

Timothy Hooker

How about us Adopting the Area and make a commitment to keep it clean? I bet we can get some of the residents close by to sign on. Contact me if you are interested.

I think it is the Garbage company when they pick up the garbage there somehow it is spilling over. There is too much garbage for it to be just wrappers blowing around.

Timothy 800-418-1491

Poop DePoop

Didn't think anyone was serious. Just checking.


Once Trump gets things rolling-High Speed Rail, to the Mexican Boarder, the amount of debris/baby furniture should be reduced by 70%.
I have seen the Public Works Dept. picking up garbage along the sound wall.


From today's Daily Post:

12:33 PM Business owner reports someone has been dumping garbage on their property, Rollins Road.

$th of July

Dumping is every where. Can not be stop. :(


The best way to address this problem is to have a once a month debris pick up on Rollins Road.
Debris pick up from Peninsula Ave. to Broadway.
No limit to what can be dumped..
Including, RV's, old cars, engine parts, diapers, household garbage, carpets that smell like cat urine, elderly relatives, nastified mattresses and box springs too.
Please contact any City of Burlingame Elder to let them know you/we/us are all in favor of a once a month debris drop-off, and pick up anywhere on Rollins Road.
Don't worry about blocking any driveways.
Most of the cars in driveways on Rollins Road appear to be broken down, and not registered.
That extrapolates into "No Car Insurance."
I bet Dollars to Doughnuts, most of the debris dumped on Rollins Road will be recycled into the "homes" of the tenants living on Rollins Road.


I really believe this can work.

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