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October 04, 2016



If you oppose rent control try to make it tonight (10/5) to the Fundraiser at Rangoon Ruby on Burlingame Ave. at 5:00pm.



From the Bizzaro files....SF Sups bully Brisbane over housing, via annexation threat:
Brisbane Mayor Cliff Lentz decried the annexation threat as an “unthinkable” act of bullying...

Brisbane leaders have come under fire for resisting developer Universal Paragon Corp.’s vision for 4,434 housing units — and millions of square feet of office, retail, and research and development space — on the sprawling site, which is polluted from decades of industrial use.

Housing advocates argue Brisbane must contribute its fair share of housing to the Peninsula, where the supply of housing is low and prices are sky-high.

Full article link:


The proponets of these measures are dangerous in spreading misinformation. One recent example is their protest in San Mateo about a mailing that was sent. Pease note the result.
Political mailers that highlight criticism of rent control as noted by the Legislative Analyst’s Office do not violate the Fair Political Practices Act, a state agency concluded this week. The state’s Fair Political Practices Commission said it found no evidence of campaign violations, concluding that the mailers appear to be “properly identified as coming from the California Apartment Association Issues Committee.” Tenant advocates filed a complaint with the FPPC after the CAA Issues Committee published campaign literature detailing the LAO’s conclusion that rent control doesn’t work.

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