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June 28, 2016



I'd guess it's about a few weeks behind the intersection of Lorton and Burlingame. Many of them have broken there.

Glenn Mendelson

The same loose pavers exist at the intersection of Lorton and Burlingame Avenue (unless they are meant to be that way when you drive over them).


When I walk on the Ave. I feel many pavers loose and moving, especially at the cross streets where they have people and car traffic.


The pavers in the street have a concrete slab beneath them. The pavers on the sidewalk are laid upon a course of compacted base rock and sand (not just "dirt").
Pavers subject to vehicular traffic will always have a few failures like this, and will always need maintenance. In my opinion, I think it's best to avoid placing pavers in the street, and just stick with asphalt, but this is what the City wanted.


Just another poor decision to go with form over function. There's a reason most cities use asphalt. Because it's a roadway which comes with wear and tear. Just wait a couple of years when there'll need to be some emergency utility work (Pg&e, Water, Cable, AT&T) - see how things are restored.


Some of the sidewalk had concrete underneath it. I know the street had concrete at Park Ave, not so sure about Lorton and Primrose. And, yes utility work will probably be an issue.


Wasn't the paver design to that small sections could be dug up and then replaced and not look like an asphalt quilt afterwards? That seems to make sense unless they are breaking all the time for some other reason.

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