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June 17, 2016


Bruce Dickinson

Joe, finally some content! Been kind of a yawn fest over here, ya know what I mean? I kid, I kid, know you guys are busy.

Seriously, a Mercedes CLA 250 owner thinking his car is all the s&it, taking up spaces for "lesser" motorcycles when that car model basically represents the very entry level of what it is to own a Mercedes. Almost as bad as owning a spruced up VW, otherwise known by its street name: Audi. A nice Hog is probably worth more scratch than that CLA, not to mention ten times more fun to drive!

Gosh, quite frankly, Bruce Dickinson wouldn't even do that with one of my Ferraris. Only opens the door for someone keying or vandalizing your car! Then again maybe the person was just so smitten with thinking they found a parking spot in downtown Burlingame during a busy time.

Maybe that's what Stanley Lo meant when he said he could always find a parking spot in downtown Burlingame. He technically should have stated he could find four spots!

Peter Garrison

People used to park their cars here all the time until I asked the street department to paint "motorcycle parking only" on the street.

I wish they would've painted it on the curb as well.

Do people who park here and notice that there is no parking meter truly believe they have found free parking place in Burlingame?


BD, I'm sorry about the yawn fest, but I have been on the road for two weeks -- SmelLA and the East Coast. I promise to do better for a couple of weeks, but if you have ideas and some words of wisdom that I can post, you know where to find me.

Ready when you are

Some big talk there. My spruced up VW is track ready for whatever rig you want to run against it. Just say R8ty, set, go.


I see people doing Uturns on Burlingame Ave because they just spotted a parking space on OTHER side of street.
It is a production. They hold up traffic while trying to maneuver. Isn't that illegal + dangerous?

Peter Garrison

It is illegal.
Big fine.


Correct. Nevermind the U-turn, back when we had angled parking you could not even make a left turn over the line to pull right into an open spot.


I wonder if your original photograph with the plate visible is enough for the police to issue a ticket? It should be. I bet we could raise money and make for a safer town if citizen evidence was enough to act.


There's a reason this space is set aside for motorcycles. There's an underground electrical vault here. Possibly PG&E. In an emergency they can move motorcycles out of the way, whereas a car would be more difficult and would need to wait for a tow truck. I


Then they should get rid of the one on the other side of Burlingame Avenue. I have never seen more than 3 bikes parked in the 8 spaces since they were built.


And PG&E is like the fire department, they can yank any car out of any spot in one minute with their truck.

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