Buried deep in the Mercury News article about Jerry Brown's chatter on the next state budget is this little gem
And the state's new $15-an-hour minimum wage will be phased in for many on the state payroll over the next few years. So the administration anticipates a shortfall of $4 billion by 2019 -- or worse if the economy slides back into recession.
Did our legislators know that there would be a lot of state workers getting the bump to 15 bucks an hour? Of course they did. Does the public know how many? Nope. So the budget is smaller because there is less OPM (Other Peoples' Money) to go around yet expenses are going up like
One spending increase touted by Brown on Friday was his administration's investment in K-12 schools and community colleges. The revised spending plan increases state funding per student to more than $10,500 -- an increase of $3,600 compared with 2011-12.
If you do the math (correctly) that is a 52-plus percent increase in five years for schools and community colleges. Wow!
52 plus increase is so awesome.
Posted by: payroll software | June 28, 2017 at 09:00 AM
Awesomely unnecessary and wasteful.
Posted by: hillsider | June 28, 2017 at 07:48 PM
City Council tonight is discussing whether to accelerate the minimum wage to align with other Peninsula cities...because it's the right thing to do. Burlingame already aligns with the state mandated minimum wage, and most employers already pay above the mandated rate, according Mayor Beach. Why accelerate it now? Empty storefronts on the Ave and B'way, restaurants empty, hotels empty(except for the homeless Gavin put in them), airport empty, businesses shuttering, etc. How about trying to help the businesses or any new businesses instead of trying to handcuff them even more with costs above the state mandate.
Mayor Beach and council, our city has bigger fish to fry, please use tour time and resources for better priorities than this. Another over reach by Ms Beach, just like the ban on natural gas.
Posted by: Barking Dog | September 08, 2020 at 01:53 PM
Plenty of gas here from the Council...
Make the menu more expensive and people will tip less or go out less.
Market forces can’t be forced.
Yes, I worked for years for tips.
Posted by: Cassandra | September 08, 2020 at 05:51 PM
Emily Beach was a seemingly normal person.
University of Notre Dame graduate and a former U.S. Army Captain.
What happened to turn her into a Woke Warrior with zero common sense?
Banning cheap natural gas as our electricity is regularly threatened to be shut off.
Focusing major resources and attention on limits to the use of force of the Burlingame Police Department with zero evidence of a problem that needs addressing.
And now actions that defy the laws of supply and demand.
Voters need to take note. The insanity needs to stop.
Posted by: Libertarian | September 08, 2020 at 11:38 PM
Beach and Brownrigg's pushing their woke narrative is verbal diarrhea.
Brownrigg expected a 5-0 vote, based on feelings and compassion alone. He is getting more and more clueless everytime he opens his trap.
Beach: Talked to experts in the industry.
Colson/Kiegran: Talked to Burlingame small business owners/operators. They get it.
Ortiz was torn, I get it and respect it. I will say it did seem like he just wanted the discussion to be over with.
Mr Dumdum chimed in and said it wasn't enough...looking toward $18-30 per/hr. The one thing Mayor Beach did correctly was cut that buffoon off.
Posted by: Barking Dog | September 09, 2020 at 01:14 PM
Mr Dumdum is the rube that is trying to make Beach and Brownrigg look sensible by comparison.
Like everything else in his life, he fails at that.
When will Mr Dumdum get a real job?
Posted by: Libertarian | September 11, 2020 at 08:49 PM